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Calc Histogram


This functor calculates a histogram from a map.


Name Type Description
Map Map Any map

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Interval Width Double The width of the histogram interval. 1.0
Cumulative Bool If true, the calculated histogram is cumulative. False
Relative Bool If true, the values in the histogram are normalized by the total number of occurrences. False


Name Type Description
Histogram Lookup Table The calculated histogram.


It is possible to calculate a relative histogram of the cumulative values setting both input flags (“Cumulative” and “Relative”) to true.

When the “Interval Width” is different from one, the input values are remapped into new values according to the expression below to speed up the calculation.

, where value´ is the new value, value is the value present in the input map and width is the width of the interval.

Because of this remapping, the lower and upper limits present in the resulting histogram can be lower and greater, respectively, than the lower and upper limits present in the input map.


Internal Name
