====== External Communication ======
Dinamica EGO can communicate with external applications by exposing a communication session. By default, an opened session will be created and its name is displayed on the status bar:
To send and receive data, the functors under the 'External Communication' folder in the Library can be used.\\
If the status bar shows 'External communication: off', check the Message Log for more information.
==== Pre Requisites ====
The following packages are necessary for sending and receiving data using R. To install the packages, do:
install.packages(c("Rcpp", "RcppProgress", "rbenchmark", "inline"))
if you are using Microsoft Windows, make sure your R installation path does not contain spaces.
On Microsoft Windows, [[https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/|R Tools]] is required (default installation path [c:\rtools] is **mandatory**). Make sure you also select the option to add RTools to system PATH.
==== Command Line ===
Download {{::dinamica_1.0.4.tar.gz|Dinamica Package for R}} and install it:
install.packages("PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_FILE", repos=NULL, type="source")
where PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_FILE should match the downloaded file path, e.g. "/home/csr/Downloads/dinamica_1.0.4.tar.gz" on Linux or "c:/Users/CSR/Downloads/dinamica_1.0.4.tar.gz" on Windows.\\
Using the example path "/home/csr/Downloads/dinamica_1.0.4.tar.gz":
install.packages("/home/csr/Downloads/dinamica_1.0.4.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
==== R Studio ====
Download {{::dinamica_1.0.4.tar.gz|Dinamica Package for R}} and install it (using RStudio):
Tools -> Install Packages...
=== Documentation ===
The Dinamica R package contains all the documentation available on this page, including examples and R Studio references.
=== Session ===
To connect to an existing session:
Dinamica::openSession("DinamicaEGO") # "DinamicaEGO" is the session name.
====== Send and Receive Data ======
===== Real value =====
To send a Real value (e.g. 3.141592, the PI constant):
To receive a Real value:
myNumber <- Dinamica::receiveNumber();
In the above example, the received Real value will be stored in the **myNumber** variable.
===== List / Vector of Real values =====
To send a list of Real values (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
myList <- c(1, 5);
In the above example, the user created **myList** will be sent.
To receive a list of Real values:
receivedList <- Dinamica::receiveNumberVector();
In the above example, the variable **receivedList** will store the contents of the received List of Real values.
===== Lookup Table =====
Consider the following **LookupTable** stored on the variable **myLUT**:
myLUT <- list( Keys = c(1:5), Values = c(1:5) * 2 )
^ Keys ^ Values ^
|1 | 2 |
|2 | 4 |
|3 | 6 |
|4 | 8 |
|5 | 10 |
To send the **myLUT** **LookupTable**:
Dinamica::sendLookupTable(myLUT$Keys, myLUT$Values);
To receive a lookup table:
receivedLUT <- Dinamica::receiveLookupTable();
In the above example, the variable **receivedLUT** will store the contents of the received LookupTable.
The columns 'Keys' (receivedLUT**$**Keys) and 'Values' (receivedLUT**$**Values) will contain the transferred Data.
===== Table =====
When transferring **Tables**, extra caution must be taken (refer to [[r_communication_utilities|this page]] for auxiliar tools.)
- **Factor** columns must be converted to **Character Vectors**
- Key columns can contain the '*' character on their names (to indicate they represent unique values).
- From R to Dinamica, the **Table** variable **must** have the **DataFrame** type (or compatible).
Consider the following **Table**:
^ Product ^ Price ^ Stock Quantity ^
| Rice | 2.50 | 1e6 |
| Pasta | 1.50 | 500 |
| Corn | 0.50 | 1000 |
myTable <- data.frame(Product = c("Rice", "Pasta", "Corn"), Price = c(2.5, 1.5, 0.5), Quantity = c(1e6, 500, 1000), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Notice the use of the **stringAsFactors = FALSE** flag. This flag prevents R from converting the passed strings to Factors.
To send the **myTable** **Table**:
We never specified which column is the **Key** column. By default, the first column will be converted to the Key column.
Suppose you want to send the following Table instead:
^ State ^ City ^ Population ^
| Massachusetts | Boston | 667137 |
| Massachusetts | Chelsea | 39398 |
myTable <- data.frame(State = c("Massachusetts", "Massachusetts"), City = c("Boston", "Chelsea"), Population = c(667137, 39398), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
To send the new version of **myTable**:
Dinamica::sendTable(myTable, 2);
Notice the extra parameter **2**? This optional parameter tells Dinamica, how many Key columns are being sent, from the leftmost column.
To receive a table:
receivedTable <- Dinamica::receiveTable();
In the above example, the variable **receivedTable** will store the contents of the received Table.
===== String =====
To send a string (e.g. "testing!"):
To receive a string:
receivedString <- Dinamica::receiveString();
In the above example, the variable **receivedString** will contain the received String value.