====== Modeling Environmental Dynamics with Dinamica EGO ====== \\ {{ :logo_logo.png?400 |}} \\ \\ ISBN: 978-65-01-05910-5  \\ ==Argemiro T. Leite-Filho, Britaldo S. Soares-Filho, Juliana L. Davis, Hermann O. Rodrigues (2020)== \\ \\ //Copyright © 2019, 2020 by Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto \\ All rights reserved// \\ \\ **TEXT EDITING**\\ Argemiro Teixeira Leite Filho\\ Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho\\ Juliana Leroy Davis\\ \\ **TEXT REVISING**\\ Hermann O. Rodrigues\\ Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho\\ Pedro Gabriel Amorim Soares\\ \\ **FORMATTING**\\ Argemiro T. Leite Filho\\ Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho\\ \\ Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Campus Pampulha\\ Instituto de Geociências - Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto, suite 206\\ 31270-901 - Belo Horizonte/ MG - Brazil\\ Tel + 55(31) 3409-5449 - Fax + 55(31)4409-5410\\ Email: dinamica@csr.ufmg.br\\ http://dinamicaego.com\\ ====== Modeling Environmental Dynamics with Dinamica EGO ====== \\ [[ Tutorial: Introduction ]] \\ To download the files used in this guidebook and other model examples please access this link: https://csr.ufmg.br/imagery/guidebook_dinamica_5.rar \\ ==== MODULE I: Welcome to Dinamica EGO! ==== [[lesson_1|LESSON 1: Data structures and file formats]] \\ \\ [[lesson_2|LESSON 2: Exploring the Graphical Interface]] \\ \\ [[lesson_3|LESSON 3: Exploring the Map Viewer]] ==== MODULE II: Working with maps ==== [[lesson_4|LESSON 4: Opening and Saving maps]] \\ \\ [[lesson_5|LESSON 5: Implementing a simple map algebra]] \\ \\ [[lesson_6|LESSON 6: Extracting map attributes and basic statistics]] ==== Module III: Working with tables ==== [[lesson_7|LESSON 7: Creating a new column and retrieving a column data from a specified table]] \\ \\ [[lesson_8|LESSON 8: Inserting a value into a table]] \\ \\ [[lesson_9|LESSON 9: Working with maps and tables]] ==== MODULE IV: Creating and using Submodels ==== [[lesson_10|LESSON 10: What is a submodel, their types and where they are stored]] \\ \\ [[lesson_11|LESSON 11: Creating a submodel]] \\ \\ [[lesson_12|LESSON 12: Updating, importing and publishing a local submodel]] ==== MODULE V: Incorporating control structures into a model ==== [[lesson_13|LESSON 13: Loop structures]] \\ \\ [[lesson_14|LESSON 14: Using "For Each Category" and "Region Manager" to works with the concept of region]] \\ \\ [[lesson_15|LESSON 15: Using "while" to make successive calculations]] ==== MODULE VI: Spatial features and spatial analyses ==== [[lesson_16|LESSON 16: Calculating Landscape metrics]] \\ \\ [[lesson_17|LESSON 17: Calculating accumulated cost surface and least-cost pathway]] \\ \\ [[lesson_18|LESSON 18: Building a land-use and land-cover change simulation model]] ==== MODULE VII: Additional Features ==== [[lesson_19|The wizard editor]] \\ \\ [[lesson_20|R Coupling]] \\ \\ [[python_coupling|Python Coupling]] \\ \\ [[lesson_21|Script language and console launcher]] ==== MODULE VIII: Additional applications ==== [[lesson_22|Heuristic calibration of models using Genetic Algorithm]] \\ \\ [[lesson_23|Agent Based Model]] \\ \\ [[simulating_patterns_of_change|Simulating the patterns of change]] \\ \\ [[multiple_criteria|Multiple Criteria Evaluation]] \\ \\ [[additional_resources_lucc|Additional resources for LUCC modeling]] \\ \\ [[new_road_constructor|Simulating road expansion according to various road lattices]] \\ \\ [[redd_case|Projecting deforestation rates based on socioeconomic variables and developing a carbon bookkeeping model]] \\ \\ [[intensity_analysis|Intensity Analysis]] \\ \\ [[variable time step net transition rates|Calculate variable time-step net transition rates]] \\ \\ [[roc_suite|Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) suite]] \\ \\ To support our users, we are constantly improving, enhancing, updating our tools by adding functionality. For this, this Guidebook module is constantly being updated [[final_remarks_guidebook|Final Remarks]] \\ If you have any questions about or suggestions for improving this Guidebook, please contact us at argemiro@csr.ufmg.br