====== Modeling Environmental Dynamics with Dinamica EGO ======
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ISBN: 978-65-01-05910-5
==Argemiro T. Leite-Filho, Britaldo S. Soares-Filho, Juliana L. Davis, Hermann O. Rodrigues (2020)==
\\ \\
//Copyright © 2019, 2020 by Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto \\
All rights reserved//
Argemiro Teixeira Leite Filho\\
Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho\\
Juliana Leroy Davis\\ \\
Hermann O. Rodrigues\\
Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho\\
Pedro Gabriel Amorim Soares\\ \\
Argemiro T. Leite Filho\\
Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho\\
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Campus Pampulha\\
Instituto de Geociências - Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto, suite 206\\
31270-901 - Belo Horizonte/ MG - Brazil\\
Tel + 55(31) 3409-5449 - Fax + 55(31)4409-5410\\
Email: dinamica@csr.ufmg.br\\
====== Modeling Environmental Dynamics with Dinamica EGO ======
[[ Tutorial: Introduction ]]
To download the files used in this guidebook and other model examples please access this link: https://csr.ufmg.br/imagery/guidebook_dinamica_5.rar
==== MODULE I: Welcome to Dinamica EGO! ====
[[lesson_1|LESSON 1: Data structures and file formats]]
[[lesson_2|LESSON 2: Exploring the Graphical Interface]]
[[lesson_3|LESSON 3: Exploring the Map Viewer]]
==== MODULE II: Working with maps ====
[[lesson_4|LESSON 4: Opening and Saving maps]]
[[lesson_5|LESSON 5: Implementing a simple map algebra]]
[[lesson_6|LESSON 6: Extracting map attributes and basic statistics]]
==== Module III: Working with tables ====
[[lesson_7|LESSON 7: Creating a new column and retrieving a column data from a specified table]]
[[lesson_8|LESSON 8: Inserting a value into a table]]
[[lesson_9|LESSON 9: Working with maps and tables]]
==== MODULE IV: Creating and using Submodels ====
[[lesson_10|LESSON 10: What is a submodel, their types and where they are stored]]
[[lesson_11|LESSON 11: Creating a submodel]]
[[lesson_12|LESSON 12: Updating, importing and publishing a local submodel]]
==== MODULE V: Incorporating control structures into a model ====
[[lesson_13|LESSON 13: Loop structures]]
[[lesson_14|LESSON 14: Using "For Each Category" and "Region Manager" to works with the concept of region]]
[[lesson_15|LESSON 15: Using "while" to make successive calculations]]
==== MODULE VI: Spatial features and spatial analyses ====
[[lesson_16|LESSON 16: Calculating Landscape metrics]]
[[lesson_17|LESSON 17: Calculating accumulated cost surface and least-cost pathway]]
[[lesson_18|LESSON 18: Building a land-use and land-cover change simulation model]]
==== MODULE VII: Additional Features ====
[[lesson_19|The wizard editor]]
[[lesson_20|R Coupling]]
[[python_coupling|Python Coupling]]
[[lesson_21|Script language and console launcher]]
==== MODULE VIII: Additional applications ====
[[lesson_22|Heuristic calibration of models using Genetic Algorithm]]
[[lesson_23|Agent Based Model]]
[[simulating_patterns_of_change|Simulating the patterns of change]]
[[multiple_criteria|Multiple Criteria Evaluation]]
[[additional_resources_lucc|Additional resources for LUCC modeling]]
[[new_road_constructor|Simulating road expansion according to various road lattices]]
[[redd_case|Projecting deforestation rates based on socioeconomic variables and developing a carbon bookkeeping model]]
[[intensity_analysis|Intensity Analysis]]
[[variable time step net transition rates|Calculate variable time-step net transition rates]]
[[roc_suite|Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) suite]]
To support our users, we are constantly improving, enhancing, updating our tools by adding functionality. For this, this Guidebook module is constantly being updated
[[final_remarks_guidebook|Final Remarks]]
If you have any questions about or suggestions for improving this Guidebook, please contact us at argemiro@csr.ufmg.br