Table of Contents

Calculate R Expression


The functor 'Calculate R Expression' allows Dinamica EGO to call R externally and process the script outputs as if they were part of Dinamica itself. For an overview of how Dinamica and R can be linked together check the documentation about R Coupling.


Name Type Description
Expression String Type The expression that will run on R.
Treat Warning As Errors Boolean Value Type Warnings on R script will be considered errors.

Optional Inputs



Name Type Description
result Struct Type A struct containing the output values generated by the expression.




There are two ways to setup the 'Calculate R Expression' functor:

Dinamica EGO Enhancement Plugin

Simply download and install the Dinamica EGO Enhancement Plugin. It contains everything you need to run R scripts inside Dinamica EGO.

Local R Installation

Additionally, users can specify and use their own local R installation for execution. The pre-requisites are:

To specify your custom R installation, go to Tools –> Options –> Integration tab and select Use alternative R installation for Calculate R Expression:


The functor is available under the Integration tab at the library.

R Script Inputs

To pass input parameters from Dinamica EGO to R, hooks must be placed to collect data. You can use the Create a hook button on the selected functor bar or drag the hooks individually. The valid hook types are:

To access the passed inputs on your R script, follow Dinamica EGO naming conventions and use t[0-99], v[0-99], s[0-99] for each type respectively. For example:

# Will store the 5th key from the passed Lookup Table in the variable 'testing'
testing <- t1$Keys[ 5 ];
# Store the second passed String.
secondString <- s2;
# Store the 10th passed Value.
tempNumber <- v10;

R Script Outputs

To output data back to Dinamica EGO, the user must call a set of functions designed for this functionality:

Function name Output Data Type Usage Example
outputDouble() Real outputDouble( “myDouble”, 3.14 )
outputNumberVector() Tuple outputNumberVector( “myTuple”, c(1:10) )
outputString() String outputString( “myString”, “This is a string” )
outputLookupTable() LookupTable outputLookupTable( “myLUT”, c(1:10), c(1:10) * 10 )
outputTable() Table outputTable( “myTable”, data.frame(State = c(“Massachusetts”, “Massachusetts”), City = c(“Boston”, “Chelsea”), Population = c(667137, 39398), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 2 )

In the examples above, data was constructed inside the calling functions. You can also specify variables as parameters.

All output functions require an identifier as the first parameter, that's the name Dinamica uses for retrieving the correct data (to put into the struct output).

Keep in mind:

Notice the use of the stringAsFactors = FALSE flag. This flag prevents R from converting the passed strings to Factors(numbers).

Tables / Lookup Tables

Tables or Lookup Tables can be transferred to R using the Number Table functor. When dealing with each of these types extra caution must be taken:

Lookup Tables

Lookup Tables are transferred to R as a List with two columns, “Key” and “Value”.

Each column can be individually accessed by using the $ operator, for example:


Tables are transferred to R as a DataFrame type variable. Each column can be individually accessed by using the $ operator, just like Lookup Tables. Please check this page for more information on how to deal with Tables. The rules for them in Calculate R Expression are the same as sending and receiving through External Communication.

Example Scripts

Multiply each value of the passed Lookup Table by itself


for ( i in 1:length( t1$Value ) ) {
  tempValue <- t1$Value[ i ];
  t1$Value[ i ] = tempValue * tempValue;
outputLookupTable( "poweredTable", t1$Key, t1$Value );

Extract the mean of passed Lookup Table values


tableMean <- mean( t1$Value );
print( paste( "Mean is", tableMean ) );
outputDouble( "mean", tableMean );

Noticed the print() statement? Dinamica EGO's Message Log will show output messages from the R script (as Result's).

If the Message Log level is Unconditional, the messages will not be printed.

Plot passed Lookup Table to an image on the path specified by passed String


outputFile  <- s1;
print( paste( "Plotting to", outputFile ) );
jpeg( outputFile, quality=100 );
plot( t1 );;

Internal Name
