Dinamica EGO and Python Coupling

Example: Calculate Python Expression

An expression that can be used:


a = numpy.arange(15).reshape(3, 5)

for row in dinamica.inputs["t1"]:

for row in dinamica.inputs["t2"]:

dinamica.outputs["teste"] = 2
dinamica.outputs["teste2"] = 2.5
dinamica.outputs["teste3"] = 'a'
dinamica.outputs["outraSaida"] = "yoyo"
dinamica.outputs["tabela"] = dinamica.prepareTable(dinamica.inputs["t1"], 3)
dinamica.outputs["lut"] = dinamica.prepareLookupTable(dinamica.inputs["t2"])



Ask the PIP to install the numpy package and import it:


Prints the vector with all the entries passed by Dinamica:

dinamica.outputs["teste2"] = 2.5

Place an output in the struct named “test2”, containing a double with a value of 2.5:

dinamica.outputs["tabela"] = dinamica.prepareTable(dinamica.inputs["t1"], 3)

Place an output in the struct named “table”, containing a table with 3 key columns. This function is not necessary if the table already has '*' in the column names (so the user could only do dinamica.outputs [“teste2”] = dinamica.inputs [“t1”]). Every table in Python is treated as a list of lists, where each internal list corresponds to a row of the table:

dinamica.outputs["lut"] = dinamica.prepareLookupTable(dinamica.inputs["t2"])

Put an output in the struct named “lut”, containing a LookupTable (There is no other way to pass a LookupTable back):

Calculate Python Utilities

Utility Name Description Parameters
package It imports the module requested. str packageName, str installPath=None, str loadPath=None
prepareTable It returns the table prepared to output. Input Table has to be in the form [header1...headerN][line1]...[lineM] where the first list contains the headers of the table and all the other lists are lines containing the data. list(list) inputTable, int numKeys
prepareLookupTable It returns the lookup table prepared to output. The lut has to be in the form [key,value][line1]...[lineM] where the first list contains the headers of the table and all the other lists are lines containing the data. list(list) lut
toTable It returns a valid representation of dinamica table to output. Input Table can be: [header1...headerN][line1]...[lineM] where the first list contains the headers of the table and all the other lists are lines containing the data; {header1: [valuesOfColumn1], header2: [valuesOfColumn2]…} where the valuesOfComlumn# are all values of that column in table; (header1...headerN)(line)...(lineM) where the first tuple contains the headers of the table and all the other tuples are lines containing the data; [value1, value2, …, valueN], those are the values for a lookup table with sequential key; pandas.Dataframe is a commom structure table used to manipulate CSVs; numpy.array is a commom structure for matrix, that can be tables as well. The first line of matrix needs to be the table header. list(list);dict(list);list(tuple);list;pandas.DataFrame;numpy.array inputTable

See the documentation about Calculate Python Expression for further information about to use Python together with Dinamica EGO.

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