Table of Contents

Save Weights


This functor saves the coefficients or ranges of Weights of Evidence into a file.


Name Type Description
weights Weights Type Coefficients or ranges of Weights of Evidence to be saved into a file.
Filename Table Filename Type Name of the file where the coefficients or ranges of Weights of Evidence will be saved. The file name and its path must be specified. Dinamica automatically determines the file format from a selected file extension.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Suffix Digits Non Negative Integer Value Type Number of digits used in the file name suffix to represent a model step. If the number of digits is not sufficient to represent the current step, the functor automatically adds more digits. If the number of digits is equal to zero, Dinamica does not include a suffix in the file name. 2
Step Non Negative Integer Value Type Model step that produced the file. None
Workdir Workdir Type Workdir folder path. None





Internal Name
