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We ran the model under different scenarios represented as different landscape maps(100×100 raster). The amount and distribution of the resources were modified to analyze population dynamics of agents, patterns resulting from agent movement , resources depletion, and population energy inequality.

Homogeneous 100

- This scenario represents a landscape where the resources are distributed equally across the space. In this way, every cell contains the same value: 100 - Totaling 1000000 units of resources, average cell value: 100 -

Heterogeneous 100

- This scenario represents a landscape where the resources are distributed heterogeneously across space. There are three points with the highest concentrations of resources and the resource decreses as a function of the distance to these peaks. In this way the cells contain different values: 0 to 147 - Totaling 1000000 units of resources, average cell value: 100

Heterogeneous 50

- This scenario represents a landscape where the resources are distributed heterogeneously across space. There are three points with the highest concentrations of resources and the resource decreses as a function of the distance to these peaks. In this way the cells contain different values: 0 to 73 - Totaling 500000 units of resources, average cell value: 50.

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