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External Communication

Dinamica EGO can communicate with external applications by exposing a communication session. By default, an opened session will be created and its name is displayed on the status bar:

To send and receive data, the functors under the 'External Communication' folder in the Library can be used.

If the status bar shows 'External communication: off', check the Message Log for more information.

R Studio

The following packages are necessary for sending and receiving data using R. To install the packages, do:

install.packages(c("Rcpp", "RcppProgress", "rbenchmark", "inline"))

Then, install R Tools from

Download Dinamica Package for R and install it (using RStudio):

Tools -> Install Packages...


The Dinamica R package contains all the documentation available on this page, including examples and R Studio references.


To connect to an existing session:

Dinamica::openSession("DinamicaEGO") # "DinamicaEGO" is the session name.

To Send and Receive Data

To send a number (e.g. 3.14):


To receive a number:

myNumber <- Dinamica::receiveNumber(); # Will receive a number in myNumber variable

To send a list of numbers (e.g. [1,10]):

Dinamica::sendNumberVector(c(1,10)); # Sends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

To receive a list of numbers:

myList <- Dinamica::receiveNumberVector(); # Will receive a list of numbers in myList variable.

To send a lookup table (e.g. 1 → 2; 2 → 3; 3 → 4):

lookupTable <- list(keys = c(1,3), values = c(2,4));
Dinamica::sendLookupTable(lookupTable$keys, lookupTable$values); # Send 1 -> 2; 2-> 3; 3->4

To receive a lookup table:

myLUT <- Dinamica::receiveLookupTable(); # Will receive a lookup table in myLUT variable.

To send a string (e.g. “testing!”):

Dinamica::sendString("testing!"); # Send "testing!"

To receive a string:

myString <- Dinamica::receiveString(); # Will receive a string in myString variable.