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Select Random Point Cluster


Submodel Select a cluster of random points in a given probability map according to a set of given constraints.


Name Type Description
Random Point Probabilities Map Type Probability of selection of each cell as a new random point. The map cells must be represented using floating point values (IEEE 754 32 Bit Real). Each value must be in the range [0, 1].
Number Of Random Points Non Negative Int Number of random points to be selected. The operator may select fewer random points if the satisfiability of the given constraints using the given probability map is not possible.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Minimum Distance Between Random Points Real Value Type The minimum distance between random point values, in meters. 0
Maximum Distance Between Random Points Real Value Type The maximum distance between random point values, in meters. All selected random points are located inside a circle whose radius is equals to this distance. 1012


Name Type Description
Selected Random Points Map Type Map of selected random points.



This functor is a submodel.

Internal Name
