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tutorial:incorporating_iterations_into_a_model [2017/01/17 18:23]
tutorial:incorporating_iterations_into_a_model [2017/01/25 17:56] (current)
francisco [What will you learn?]
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 Now you need to sum all cells that represent forest. Note that the output is a binary map with only ones and nulls, the latter is represented by zero. Next, use //​[[:​Extract Map Attributes]]//​ (Map Algebra tab) to extract the sum of non-null cells. ​ This functor produces as output a table with   ​[[:​extract_map_attributes#​Notes|these map attributes]].{{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_6.jpg |}} Now you need to sum all cells that represent forest. Note that the output is a binary map with only ones and nulls, the latter is represented by zero. Next, use //​[[:​Extract Map Attributes]]//​ (Map Algebra tab) to extract the sum of non-null cells. ​ This functor produces as output a table with   ​[[:​extract_map_attributes#​Notes|these map attributes]].{{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_6.jpg |}}
-The area extent is the sum of non-null cells (field 9) multiplied by the cell area in hectares (field 7). You need to add one //​[[:​Calculate Value]]//, located in the Table tab, to perform this calculation. Also, drag one //[[:Number Table]]// ​into it (from Map Algebra Supplementary tab), which will receive the attribute table output from //​[[:​Extract Map Attributes]]//​. You need to enter "​1"​ to assign an identifier for this table. Finally, write:\\ **t1[7]*t1[9]**\\ (cell area (in hectares) * sum of the values (excluding null cells))+The area extent is the sum of non-null cells (field 9) multiplied by the cell area in hectares (field 7). You need to add one //​[[:​Calculate Value]]//, located in the Table tab, to perform this calculation. Also, select ​one //[[:Number Table]]// ​clicking in Create a hook (magnet iconinside functor action bar, which will receive the attribute table output from //​[[:​Extract Map Attributes]]//​. You need to enter "​1"​ to assign an identifier for this table. Finally, write:\\ **t1[7]*t1[9]**\\ (cell area (in hectares) * sum of the values (excluding null cells))
 <note tip>​**TIP**:​ You can replace the\\ <note tip>​**TIP**:​ You can replace the\\
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 Now you need to fill in a table in order to store the area calculated for each state. The functor [[:​set_lookup_table_value|Set Lookup Table Value]] updates a lookup table placing a value to a position defined by a key. To fill in the entire lookup table, you need to develop a loop that enables this functor to browse through the lookup table. To close this loop, you will need a functor that is key to the development of dynamic models. Here we introduce the concept of Mux functor. Now you need to fill in a table in order to store the area calculated for each state. The functor [[:​set_lookup_table_value|Set Lookup Table Value]] updates a lookup table placing a value to a position defined by a key. To fill in the entire lookup table, you need to develop a loop that enables this functor to browse through the lookup table. To close this loop, you will need a functor that is key to the development of dynamic models. Here we introduce the concept of Mux functor.
-A //Mux// functor can be a map, a categorical map, a lookup table, a table or a value. Look at the Control tab to find //[[:Mux Lookup Table]]// and drag it into //​[[:​Repeat]]//​. Also drag //[[:Set Lookup Table Value]]// from the Table tab.+A //Mux// functor can be a map, a categorical map, a lookup table, a table or a value. Look at the Control tab to find //[[:Mux Lookup Table]]// and drag it into //​[[:​Repeat]]//​. Also drag //[[:Set Lookup Table Value]]// from the Lookup ​Table tab.
 {{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_9.jpg |}} {{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_9.jpg |}}
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 <note tip>​**TIP**:​ If //[[:Save Map]]// is placed inside //​[[:​Repeat]]//,​ it will save a file per time step and a digit representing the time step will be added to the end of the file name.</​note>​ <note tip>​**TIP**:​ If //[[:Save Map]]// is placed inside //​[[:​Repeat]]//,​ it will save a file per time step and a digit representing the time step will be added to the end of the file name.</​note>​
-At a last step, open //[[:Set Lookup Table Value]]// with the Edit Functor Ports. ​  {{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_16.jpg |}}+{{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_16.jpg |}}
-Test the model integrity, save it and if everything is O.K., click on the run button. This may take a short while. ​+Save it and if everything is O.K., click on the run button. This may take a short while. ​
 {{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_17.jpg |}} {{ :​tutorial:​inc._it._model_17.jpg |}}
-Go to //[[:Set Lookup Table Value]]//, open it with Edit Functor Ports and click with the right button on **Updated Table** to view the result. Also make a chart clicking on the chart button (bottom left).+Go to //[[:Set Lookup Table Value]]//, open inspect functor into functor action bar and click to inspect ​the output port **Updated Table** ​and run the model again to view the result. Also make a chart clicking on the chart button (bottom left).
 {{:​tutorial:​inc._it._model_19.jpg|}}{{:​tutorial:​inc._it._model_19_2.jpg|}} ​ {{:​tutorial:​inc._it._model_19.jpg|}}{{:​tutorial:​inc._it._model_19_2.jpg|}} ​