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Species Richness Interpolated


This method spatially interpolates the Weight Endemism Index patterns. For more details about index see: Williams, P. H. & Humphries, C. J. Biodiversity, taxonomic relatedness, and endemism in conservation. (Oxford University Press, 1994).


Name Type Description
Input Occurences csv file Csv file with species occurences (colunms sp, x, y).
Output folder Folder Folder to save outputs.
Input Mask Map Filename Type The filename of the shape of area of study.
Hexagon Size Real Value Type Value of Hexagon size
Save Hexagon Nmds Boolean Value Type Save maps with hexagons
Spline Interpolation Boolean Value Type Interpolate results by Spline
Kriging Interpolation Boolean Value Type Interpolate results by Kriging
Raster Resolution Real Value Type Cell size of output raster
Minimum Number Of Sambles Real Value Type Minimum number of samples in hexagons
Smooth Factor Of Spline Real Value Type Number of neighboring pixels in smooth
Smooth Factor Of Kriging Real Value Type Number of neighboring pixels in smooth


Internal Name
