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welcome_installer_2_4 [2015/09/15 18:06]
welcome_installer_2_4 [2019/02/13 13:16] (current)
hermann [Survey]
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    * Fixed bugs in the GUI editor.    * Fixed bugs in the GUI editor.
-A compreensive list of changes in Dinamica EGO 2.4, in Portuguese, can be found [[http://​csr.ufmg.br/​dinamica/​bugzilla/​buglist.cgi?​columnlist=bug_severity%2Ccomponent%2Cbug_status%2Cchangeddate%2Cresolution%2Ctarget_milestone%2Cshort_desc&​resolution=FIXED&​query_format=advanced&​bug_status=RESOLVED&​bug_status=VERIFIED&​bug_status=CLOSED&​product=Dinamica EGO&​target_milestone=2.3.3&​target_milestone=2.3.4&​target_milestone=2.3.7&​target_milestone=2.3.8|here]]. 
 ===== Dinamica EGO Guidebook =====  ===== Dinamica EGO Guidebook ===== 
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 It is also possible to download and install the [[mingw_plugin_2_4|MinGW plugin for Dinamica EGO 2.4]]. This plugin can be used to speed up the execution of some Dinamica EGO operators under certain circumstances. It is also possible to download and install the [[mingw_plugin_2_4|MinGW plugin for Dinamica EGO 2.4]]. This plugin can be used to speed up the execution of some Dinamica EGO operators under certain circumstances.
-===== Survey ===== 
-After playing with Dinamica EGO, take some time to complete our [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheet/​viewform?​formkey=dFlxQmQtZ05FUFhmTFpqd2JmLXJ0VVE6MQ|survey]]. By doing so, you help us better identify how to improve Dinamica EGO.