Main models

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1_modulos_fiscais 1_calcPercent_module.ego Generate the percentage in terms of area of properties per fiscal module

2_muni_to_water_modulo_fiscais&MF.ego Convert MF and fical modules from municipalities to watershed

2_PAcoverage_muni_state 1_calc_muni_state_PApercent.ego Calculate percentage of the municipality covered with protected areas
2_muni_to_water_PApercent.ego Convert municipality percentage into watershed percentage
3_Forest_code_model 1_1_forest_code.ego Generate the basic 10 tables (forestcode.csv) for evaluating the forest code deficit and surplus for micro watershed ANA at level 12
1_2_biomass_average.ego Calculate mean biomass per watershed
4_Forest_code_spreadsheet 1_Forestcode_balance.xlsx Perform Forest code balance per micro watershed using as input a series of tables output from previous models (central model)
2_forest_code_water_muni.ego Convert lookuptables output from 1_Forestcode_balance.xlsx (central model) indexed by watersheds to lookputables indexed by munibiomes (spatial units consisting of interception between municipalities and biomes). User must select columns and associated to watershed keys and export them as csv (two columns files)
3_sum_state_biome.ego Integrates tabular data for biome and state units

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