Biodiversity provides a wide range of ecosystem services that have important economic values. Although these economic values are difficult to measure, areas with high biodiversity, overall, contain more biological resources and thus may be more valuable to society. In this manner, biodiversity values for conservation can be related to economic values.
We used the most comprehensive dataset on biodiversity available to identify the priority areas for biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian Amazon. Our analyses focus on composite biodiversity metrics that emphasize a set of biodiversity parameters: weight endemism; areas of endemism; and species richness. The geographical differentiation of these quantitative variables is presented in maps that account for both heterogeneity and irreplaceability measures. Our approach also includes analysis of uncertainty due to a lack of knowledge about biological data.
Modeling results indicate that 13% of the Brazilian Amazon is of high relevance for biodiversity conservation. These areas may also hold higher potential economic value. Yet, vast areas still need detailed biological inventories, making it difficult to compare their relevance with areas where there is more information. Regions with high biological relevance are located in areas under deforestation pressure, making them a top conservation priority.