On the morning of February 24th, representatives from the Government of Minas Gerais linked to the Agriculture System visited the Center for Remote Sensing (CSR) and met with researchers from UFMG seeking solutions aimed at updating data on the satellite mapping of the coffee sector and the traceability of agricultural products from Minas Gerais.

On the occasion, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG) presented data from its “Geoportal do Café” project related to coffee cultivation; CSR presented some of its own projects developed with the support of partners.

The dialogue between the institutions aims to build a partnership that allows the joint development of tools aimed at processing agricultural data in Minas Gerais, improving the reliability and transparency of production chains.

The following institutions and their representatives participated in the meeting and debates:

  1. State Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (SEAPA):
    João Ricardo Albanez – Undersecretary of Agricultural Policy and Economics;
    Pedro D’Angelo Ribeiro – Head of the Environmental Management Unit;
    Feliciano Nogueira de Oliveira – Superintendent of Innovation and Agricultural Economics;
    Julian Silva Carvalho – Special Technical Advisor/Coffee.
  2. Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG):
    Gelson Soares, Technical Director;
    Bernardino Cangussu Guimarães, Head of the Development and Support Division;
    Péricles Alexandre Squaris Marques, State Technical Coordinator of Technology and Innovation.
  3. Mineiro Agricultural Institute (IMA):
    Rogério Carvalho Fernandes, Certification Manager;
    Mariana Inês Martins Brancaglion, Coordinator of the Center for Innovation and Modernization in Agricultural Defense.
  4. Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG):
    Marley Lamounier Machado, researcher.
