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Map Metadata Template

Metadata Keyword Description Editable Input Expansion Example
%TITLE% Title of the map
%DESCRIPTION% Description of the map
%SOURCE% Source or project originating the map
%ORIGINAL_SCALE% Original scale of the data from where the map was produced
%PUBLISHERS% Publisher of the map
%NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS% Number of rows of the map
%NUMBER_OF_LINES% Number of lines of the map
%CELL_HEIGHT% Height of the cells of the map. The height unit is projection dependent.
%CELL_HEIGHT_IN_METERS% Height of the cells of the map in meters.
%CELL_WIDTH% Width of the cells of the map. The width unit is projection dependent.
%CELL_WIDTH_IN_METERS% Width of the cells of the map in meters.
%NUMBER_OF_LAYERS% Number of layers/bands of the map.
%NULL_VALUE% Value representing the null value (no data) of the map.
%CELL_TYPE% Text representing the type of the cell of the map.
%CELL_TYPE_CODE% Code representing the type of the cell of the map. See the cell type definition for a list of all valid codes.

Map Metadata Template Example

The following example illustrates the definition of a metadata template. This example is available as a template option with the name “CSR / UFMG (pt-BR)”.

title = '%TITLE%'
description = '%DESCRIPTION%

Número de Colunas : %NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS%
Número de Linhas : %NUMBER_OF_LINES%
Altura da Célula : %CELL_HEIGHT%
Largura da Célula : %CELL_WIDTH%
Número de Camadas : %NUMBER_OF_LAYERS%
Valor Nulo : %NULL_VALUE%
Tipo de Célula : %CELL_TYPE%'
source = '%SOURCE%'
original scale = '%ORIGINAL_SCALE%'
thematic category = '%THEMATIC_CATEGORY%'

creation date = %CREATION_YEAR%
original format = 'matricial (002)'
coordinate system representation = '%PROJECTION_WKT%'

additional information = '%ADDITIONAL_CATEGORY_INFORMATION%'


updated = %CREATION_DATE%
publishers = '%PUBLISHERS%'