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Map metadata files are generated by Save Map functors when the corresponding metadata option is enabled by marking the apropriate checkbox on the Metadata tab of the functor editor.

Once the metadata generation is enabled for a Save Map, each map written by that functor will have an associated metadata file.

The metadata file content is created replacing predefined tags or keywords on a template map with input supplied by the user or by the map itself. The metadata file name is created replacing the map file extension with the metadata file extension.

Map Metadata Template Keywords (Tags)

Metadata Keyword Description Input Source
%TITLE% Title of the map. Supplied by the user.
%DESCRIPTION% Description of the map. Supplied by the user.
%SOURCE% Source or project originating the map. Supplied by the user.
%CITATION% Citation instructing how to cite the map in a scientific publication. Supplied by the user.
%ORIGINAL_SCALE% Original scale of the data from where the map was produced. Supplied by the user.
%ADDITIONAL_CATEGORY_INFORMATION% Additional information about the categories. Used typically to describe the null value. Supplied by the user.
%PUBLISHERS% Publisher of the map. Supplied by the user.
%NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS% Number of rows of the map. Supplied by the map.
%NUMBER_OF_LINES% Number of lines of the map. Supplied by the map.
%CELL_HEIGHT% Height of the cells of the map. The height unit is projection dependent. Supplied by the map.
%CELL_HEIGHT_IN_METERS% Height of the cells of the map in meters. Supplied by the map.
%CELL_WIDTH% Width of the cells of the map. The width unit is projection dependent. Supplied by the map.
%CELL_WIDTH_IN_METERS% Width of the cells of the map in meters. Supplied by the map.
%NUMBER_OF_LAYERS% Number of layers/bands of the map. Supplied by the map.
%NULL_VALUE% Value representing the null value (no data) of the map. Supplied by the map.
%CELL_TYPE% Text representing the type of the cell of the map. Supplied by the map.
%CELL_TYPE_CODE% Code representing the type of the cell of the map. See the cell type definition for a list of all valid codes. Supplied by the map.
%CREATION_YEAR% Map creation year. Supplied by the system.
%PROJECTION_WKT% Map projection represented as a WKT string. Supplied by the map.
%CATEGORIES% List of map categories, if any. Each category is represented by its cell value and name. Supplied by the map.
%LAYER_RANGES% List of map layers and their corresponding minimum and maximum cell values. Supplied by the map.
%CREATION_DATE% Map creation date. Supplied by the system.
%SOURCE_MODEL_FILE% Name of the model script file responsible for the generation of the map. Supplied by the map.

Map Metadata Template Example

The following example illustrates the definition of a metadata template. This example is available as a template option with the name “CSR / UFMG (pt-BR)”.

title = '%TITLE%'
description = '%DESCRIPTION%

Number of Columns : %NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS%
Number of Lines : %NUMBER_OF_LINES%
Cell Height : %CELL_HEIGHT%
Cell Width : %CELL_WIDTH%
Null Value : %NULL_VALUE%
Cell Type : %CELL_TYPE%
source = '%SOURCE%'
citation = '%CITATION%'
original scale = '%ORIGINAL_SCALE%'
thematic category = 'planning (015)'

creation date = %CREATION_YEAR%
original format = 'raster (002)'
coordinate system representation = '%PROJECTION_WKT%'

additional information = '%ADDITIONAL_CATEGORY_INFORMATION%'


updated = '%CREATION_DATE%'
publishers = '%PUBLISHERS%'

Map Metadata File Expansion

The following example illustrates a possible expansion of the metadata template for a given map file.

title = 'Uso da terra no Brasil simulado pelo OTIMIZAGRO para 2030'
description = 'OTIMIZAGRO modela nove cultivos temporários: 1) soja, 2) cana-de-açúcar, 3) milho, 4) algodão, 5) trigo, 6) feijão, 7) arroz, 8) mandioca e 9) fumo e cinco permanentes: 10) café arábica, 11) café robusta, 12) laranja, 13) cacau e 14) banana. Culturas de inverno ou safrinha incluem: 15) trigo, 16) feijão e 17) milho. Transições de desmatamento nos vários biomas e regeneração florestal também são modeladas. 

Number of Columns : 8533
Cell Height : 500.0
Cell Width : 500.0
Number of Layers : 1
Null Cell Value : 0.0
Number of Lines : 8765
Cell Type : Byte
Model File : C:/models/otimizagro.egoml'
source = 'Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto - CSR/UFMG (2015)'
citation = 'Soares-Filho BS(2015) Otimizagro model, Brasil: IGC/UFMG. Available at: <>'
original scale = 'Não informada'
thematic category = 'planejamentoECadastro (015)'

creation date = 2015
original format = 'matricial (002)'
coordinate system representation = 'PROJCS["South_America_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_MC51W",

additional information = ''
24 = 'fumo'
25 = 'milho_2s'
26 = 'feijao_2s'
20 = 'laranja'
21 = 'mandioca'
22 = 'banana'
23 = 'cacau'
40 = 'feijao_feijao'
1 = 'agua'
3 = 'pastagem'
2 = 'urbano'
5 = 'savanas'
4 = 'pastagem_em_AP'
7 = 'florestas'
6 = 'savanas_em_AP'
9 = 'restauro'
8 = 'florestas_em_AP'
39 = 'milho_feijao'
38 = 'soja_feijao'
11 = 'soja'
13 = 'milho'
12 = 'cana_de_acucar'
15 = 'arroz'
14 = 'algodao'
17 = 'feijao'
16 = 'trigo'
19 = 'cafe_robusta'
18 = 'cafe_arabica'
30 = 'floresta_plantada'
37 = 'milho_trigo'
36 = 'soja_trigo'

layer_0 = '(Min=1.0,Max=40.0)'

updated = '2015/04/23'
publishers = 'Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto - CSR/UFMG'