Brazil’s environmental balance:

The computational model we developed calculates the requirements of the Forest Code (FC) and, as a result, the level of compliance for each of the more than 7 million Rural Property (RP) registrations in the CAR. For each RP, the system reports the requirements for areas for conservation and restoration of native vegetation, such as Legal Reserves (LR) and Areas of Permanent Preservation (APP), and thus calculates deficits (vegetation that needs to be restored) and surpluses (vegetation above compliance). The system also reports accumulated deforestation since 2008 throughout Brazil.

Use the interactive map to consult the environmental balance of a specific rural property:


The estimates and maps presented on this site are exclusively for scientific and informational purposes and do not replace in any way the validation of the Rural Environmental Registry and individualized legal compliance analyzes that must be issued only by the competent public institutions. Due to the scientific uncertainties and limitations inherent in computer modeling, the researchers are not responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, omissions, or results obtained using the information available on this website. Likewise, no responsibility is assumed for any damages or losses associated with the uncertainties, availability, use, or misuse of the information presented here.