OTIMIZAGRO, an upgraded version of SimBrasil1,2, is a nationwide, spatially-explicit model that simulates land-use, land-use change, forestry, deforestation, regrowth, and associated CO2 emissions, under various scenarios of agricultural land demand and deforestation/forest restoration policies for Brazil. The model framework is structured in four spatial levels: (i) Brazil’s biomes, (ii) micro-regions, (iii) municipalities, (iv) and raster grid of 500×500 meter spatial resolution. Concurrent allocation of crops at 25 ha cell resolution is a function of crop profitability and aptitude. OTIMIZAGRO models nine annual crops, including single and double cropping: 1) soy, 2) sugarcane, 3) corn, 4) cotton, 5) wheat, 6) bean, 7) rice, 8) manioc, 9) tobacco and five perennial: 10) Arabic coffee, 11) Robust coffee, 12) orange, 13) cocoa, and 14) banana, and 15) forest plantation.

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Soares-Filho BS, Lima LS, Bowman M, Hissa LV (2012) Challenges for Low-Carbon Agriculture and Forest Conservation in Brazil. Inter-American Development Bank – Technical Notes 385.

Soares-Filho BS, Rajão R, Merry F, Rodrigues H, Davis J, Lima L, Macedo M, Coe M, Carneiro A, Santiago L (2016) Brazil’s Market for trading forest certificates. Plos One 11(4):e0152311.

Rochedo PR, Soares-Filho BS, Schaeffer R, Viola E, Szklo A, Lucena AFP, Koberle A, Davis JL, Rajão R, Rathmann R (2018) The threat of political bargaining to climate mitigation in Brazil. Nature Climate Change 8:695–698.