SimMadeira estimates economic returns to logging for any location in the Brazilian Amazon. This model builds on earlier work developed to assess the expansion of the timber industry in the Amazon1,2. SimMadeira consists of a partial equilibrium dynamic spatial simulation model of the Amazon timber industry, which calculates a residual stumpage value of forest lands, an annual harvest volume and value, potential tax revenues, also forecasting the industry capacity. The model calculates rents as standing tree (stumpage) price for each land unit by deducting from round or sawn woods at the milling gate harvest and transportation costs. To assess logging policy scenarios, SimMadeira operates using both sustainable (Reduced Impact Logging) and conventional (including illegal) modes.

Merry F, Soares-Filho BS, Nepstad D, Aamacher G, Rodrigues H (2009) Balancing Conservation and Economic Sustainability: The Future of the Amazon Timber Industry. Environmental Management, 44:395-407.

Giudice R, Soares-Filho BS, Merry FD, Rodrigues HO, Bowman M (2012) Timber concessions in Madre de Dios: Are they a good deal? Ecological Economics 77:158–165.

Lima LS, Merry F, Soares-Filho B, Rodrigues HO, Damaceno CS, Bauch MA (2018) Illegal logging as a disincentive to the establishment of a sustainable forest sector in the Amazon. Plos One 13(12): e0207855.

Oliveira AS, Rajão RG, Soares Filho BS, Oliveira U, Santos LR, Assunção AC, van der Hoff R, Rodrigues HO, Ribeiro SMC, Merry F, Lima LS (2019) Economic losses to sustainable timber production by fire in the Brazilian Amazon. The Geographical Journal: 1-13.