On October 19th, the Centre for Remote Sensing of the Federal University of Minas Gerais will hold live on YouTube 9:30 am the Launch Ceremony of the Fire Spreading Model Platform for the Cerrado Biome. The event will present the results of the work developed by the laboratory over the last five years within the Forest Invest Program – Forest Fire Prevention Systems and Monitoring of Vegetal Coverage in the Brazilian Cerrado.

During these years, CSR developed an innovative platform that provides online and free of charge information on the risk of fire propagation three times a day, plus a series of data and maps capable of assisting in prevention, management and combat of forest fires. In addition, always paying attention to the needs of the Conservation Unit’s managers, employees and firefighters, the laboratory also developed an offline tool to predict the fire spread to be used in the field in integrated fire management activities.

The event will be divided in three parts. The opening session, under the command of Professor Britaldo Soares Filho, will start at 9:30 am and continue until 10:00 am with the presence of the General Coordinator of Biomes of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luiz Henrique Mourão do Canto Pereira, the Senior Environmental Specialist at the World Bank, Bernadete Lange, the Director of the Institute of Geosciences, Professor Vilma Lúcia Macagnan Carvalho and the Deputy Pro-Rector of Research at UFMG, Professor André Massensini.

In sequence, from 10 am to 12 pm, the researchers Luiz Aragão (INPE), Mercedes Bustamante (UnB) and Christian Berlinck (ICMBIO) will lecture on different topics, such as research for the sustainable use of the Cerrado, contributions of modeling to prevent and fight fires and more. At the end of this session, Professor Britaldo will make a brief presentation with a video produced by the CSR team.

In the afternoon, at 2 pm, the CSR researcher and one of the creators of the model, Ubirajara Oliveira, will give a training on the Fire Spreading Model Platform for the Cerrado Biome and its latest updates.

Interested people can apply through the link https://forms.gle/tEf7A76KAbKaN7eJ9.