Leite-Filho AT, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira U, Coe M (2024) Intensification of climate change impacts on agriculture in the Cerrado due to deforestation. Nature Sustainability 00: 1-17.

Soares-Filho B, Nunes F, Oliveira A, Assis D, Figueira D, Veloso L, Silva E, Nasciemento B, Augusto V, Volpe P (2024) Panorama do Código Florestal. Relatório. CSR, 3ed.

Damm Y, Börner J, Gerber N, Soares-Filho B (2024) Health benefits of reduced deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Communications Earth & Environment, 5: 693.

Oliveira SC, Oliveira ACCR, Leite-Filho AT, Silva LJ, Soares-Filho B (2024) A restauração da vegetação nativa pode conduzir Minas Gerais ao Net Zero? Policy Brief. CSR.

Leite-Filho AT, Soares-Filho B, Carvalho-Ribeiro S, Krogh AC (2024) Agricultural economic losses due to Amazon deforestation and how forest restoration can reverse the impact. Policy Brief. CSR.

Centro de Inteligência Territorial (CIT), Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto (CSR-UFMG), Rainforest Foundation Norway (2024) How deforestation-induced local and regional climate changes affect agricultural production in the Brazilian Amazon. Relatório. CSR.

Governo de Minas Gerais, Instituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Centro de Inteligência Territorial (CIT) (2024) Due Diligence in agricultural supply chains using the SeloVerde MG platform – A practical guide. AL-INVEST Verde, FIIAPP, illa.

Instituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF), Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (CSR-UFMG) (2024) CAR 2.0: Impulsionando a Análise do Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) com ciência e tecnologia no estado de Minas Gerais. Nota técnica. CSR.

Oliveira GM, Ziegert RF, Pacheco A, Berning L, Sotirov M, Dürr J, Braun D, Nunes FSM, Soares-Filho BS, Börner J (2024) Blind spots in the EU’s Regulation on Deforestation-free products. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1382–1383.

Börner J, Berning L, Braun D, Dietz T, Dürr J, Martinelli F, Mortara-Batistic P, Nunes F, Oliveira GM, Pacheco A, Soares-Filho B, Sotirov M, Vargas D, Ziegert R (2024) The EU Regulation on Deforestation-free products at odds with forest conservation in Brazil? Agricultural Policy Dialogue Brazil-Germany (APD).

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho B, Nunes F (2024) Controlling the effects of sampling bias in biodiversity models. Journal of Biogeography, 00: 1-12.

Oliveira U, Azevedo F, Dias A, Almeida ACS, Senna AR, Marques AC, Rezende D, Hajdu E, Lopes-Filho EAP, Pitombo FB, Oliveira GM, Doria JG, Carraro JL, De-Paula JC, Bahia J, Araujo JM, Paresque K, Vieira LM, Fernandes LM, Cardoso MNM, Santos LN, Miranda LS, Klautau M, Pagliosa PR, Clerier PHB, Moura RB, Fortes RR, Neves RAF, Rocha RM, Stampar SN, Salani S, Miranda TP, Pinheiro U, Venekey V (2024) Beta diversity and regionalization of the western Atlantic marine biota. Journal of Biogeography, 00: 1-10.

Cardoso MNM, Azevedo F, Dias A, Almeida ACS, Senna AR, Marques AC, Rezende D, Hajdu E, Lopes-Filho EAP, Pitombo FB, Oliveira GM, Doria JG, Carraro JL, De-Paula JC, Bahia J, Araujo JM, Paresque K, Vieira LM, Fernandes LM, Santos LN, Miranda LS, Lorini ML, Klautau M, Pagliosa PR, Clerier PHB, Moura RB, Fortes RR, Neves RAF, Rocha RM, Stampar SN, Salani S, Miranda TP, Pinheiro U, Venekey V, Oliveira U (2024) Causes and effects of sampling bias on marine Western Atlantic biodiversity knowledge. Diversity and Distributions: e13839.

Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira A, Assis D, Lisboa F, Bellezoni R (2024) Environmental compliance of coffee, soy, and forest plantations in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Policy Brief. CSR.

Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira A, Assis D, Lisboa F, Bellezoni R (2024) Conformidade ambiental da cafeicultura, soja e florestas plantadas no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Policy Brief. CSR.

Carvalho-Ribeiro S, Fereira E, Paula LG, Rodrigues R, Drumond MA, Purcino H, Oliveira B, Moreira V, Monteiro A, Fonseca B, Almeida N, O’Riordan T, Azevedo U, Conti A, Barbosa P (2024) What can be learned from using participatory landscape scenarios in Rio Doce State Park, Brazil? Landscaoe Ecology, 39: 65.

Albuquerque CC, Brasil MCO, Mateus NPA, Macedo DR, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2024) Estimativa do Número da Curva (CN) e sua adaptação ao contexto das Paisagens Mineiras. Labor e Engenho, 18: e024002.

Leite-Filho AT, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira U (2024) Climate risks to soy-maize double-cropping due to Amazon deforestation. International Journal of Climatology.

Carvalho-Ribeiro S, Soares-Filho B, Cesalpino T, Araújo A, Teixeira M, Cardoso J, Figueiras D, Nunes F, Rajão R (2024) Bioeconomic markets based on the use of native species (NS) in Brazil. Ecological Economics, 218: 108124.

Nunes FSM, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira AR, Veloso LVS, Schmitt J, Hoff RV, Assis DC, Costa RP, Börner J, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Rajão R, Oliveira U, Costa MA (2024) Lessons from the historical dynamics of environmental law enforcement in the Brazilian Amazon. Scientific Reports, 14: 1828.

Anacleto DM, Nascimento DCM, Cortez MLJ, Coelho VBN, Fonseca BM, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira U, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Mateus NPA, Campos-Júnior EO, Azevedo UR, Ferreira AGA (2024) Relação entre a poluição do ar e a COVID-19 em Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Revista Brasileira De Geografia Física, 17(6): 4133–4145.

Anacleto DM, Nascimento DCM, Campos-Júnior EO, Cortez MLJ, Coelho VBN, Fonseca BM, Mateus NPA, Azevedo UR, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira U, Ferreira AGA, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2024) Revisão sistemática de literatura: COVID-19 e variáveis ambientais. Revista Brasileira De Geografia Física, 17(6): 4649–4672.

Queiroz LO, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Garcia RA (2024) Quanto Cerrado precisamos perder para estimular o crescimento econômico? Geociências, 42(4): 563-579.

Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Nobrega R, Braga V, Garcia RA (2024) Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais: Aplicações e Estudos de Caso. Curitiba, Brasil: Editora Appris, 1. ed. , 192 p. ISBN-10: 6525059607

Camini N, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2024) Compensar com efetividade à escala da paisagem. In: Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Nobrega R, Braga V, Garcia RA. Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais: Aplicações e Estudos de Caso. Curitiba, Brasil: Editora Appris.

Longhini TM, Costa MA, Vilela BA, Bressan VGF (2024) Principal Component Analysis for Aggregating Environmental Variables Affecting Electricity Distributors’ Operations in Brazil. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(10): e09011.

Longhini TM, Costa MA, Vilela BA, Bressan VGF (2024) Advancements in NEEA’S methodology for calculating regulatory operating costs of electricity distribution companies based on PC 062/2020. Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana, 22(10): e6963.

Gontijo TS, Nepomuceno ALJ, Paiva BPL, Santis RB, Groppo GS, Costa MA (2024) A produção do conhecimento científico sobre hierarchical time series forecasting: uma abordagem bibliométrica. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 10(1): 24–35.

Barbosa ABRAB, Lopes-Ahn A, Vilela B, Costa M, Gomes RO, Ahn H (2024) DEA with Bootstrap, Weight Restrictions and Negative Outputs: Shortcomings of the Proposal for the Brazilian Distribution System Operators Regulation. In: Emrouznejad A, Thanassoulis E, Toloo M. Advances in the Theory and Applications of Performance Measurement and Management. Switzerland: Springer Cham. p. 47-58.


Queiroz LO, Elmiro MAT, Leite-Filho AT, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2023) Qual será o futuro do Cerrado Norte Mineiro? Cadernos do Leste, 22(23).

Franca-Rocha WJS, Vasconcelos RN, Chaves JM, Bilotta P, Grimm IJ, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Nobrega RAA, Sobral MCM, Phillippi-Júnior A, Sampaio CAC (2023) Analysis model of scientific production in Postgraduate Programs based on Interaction Networks: A Case Study in Environmental Sciences. Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 58(3): 405-416.

Davis JL, Manzolli B, Bellezoni R, Carvalho-Ribeiro S, Soares-Filho B (2023) Boletim do Ouro 2022-2023. CSR/UFMG, Ano 2022-2023.

Lacerda HC, Mesquita AO, Araújo AS, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2023) A fragmentação florestal em diferentes territórios: estudo de caso em Querência-MT, situada no arco do desmatamento, Brasil. Revista Caminhos de Geografia, 24(95): 19-33.

Almeida ALSP, Macedo DR, Santos HA, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Hughes RM (2023) Gestão dos recursos hídricos em bacias tropicais complexas: uma abordagem customizada da modelagem eco-hidrológica SWAT para o Rio das Velhas, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos, 28(33).

Gatti LV, Cunha CL, Marani L, Cassol HLG, Messias CG, Arai E, Denning AS, Soler LS, Almeida C, Setzer A, Domingues LG, Basso LS, Miller JB, Gloor M, Correia CSC, Tejada G, Neves RAL, Rajao R, Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS, Schmitt J, Nobre C, Corrêa SM, Sanches AH, Aragão LEOC, Anderson L, Von Randow C, Crispim SP, Silva FM, Machado GBM (2023) Increased Amazon carbon emissions mainly from decline in law enforcement. Nature.

Bachi L, Carvalho-Ribeiro S (2023) Onde o ecoturismo melhora a sociobiodiversidade? Mapeamento de oportunidades e limitações para a gestão de usos multifuncionais da terra no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo, 16(4): 351-377.

Lloyd TJ, Oliveira U, Soares-Filho BS, Fuller RA, Butt N, Ascher JS, Barbosa JPPP, Batista JAN, Brescovit AD, Carvalho CJB, Marco P, Ferro VG, Leite FSF, Löwenberg-Neto P, Paglia AP, Rezende DT, Santos AJ, Silva DP, Vasconcelos MF, Sonter LJ (2023) Multiple facets of biodiversity are threatened by mining-induced land-use change in the Brazilian Amazon. Diversity and Distributions: 13753.

Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira A, Assis D, Lisboa F (2023) Conformidade ambiental do parque cafeeiro do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. CSR, Policy brief.

Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira A, Assis D, Lisboa F (2023) Environmental compliance of coffee producers in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. CSR, Policy brief.

Liu H, Soares-Filho BS, Leite-Filho AT, Zhang S, Du J, Yi Y (2023) How to balance land demand conflicts to guarantee sustainable land development. iScience, 26(5): 106641.

Bachi L, Corrêa D, Fonseca C, Carvalho-Ribeiro S (2023) Are there bright spots in an agriculture frontier? Characterizing seeds of good Anthropocene in Matopiba, Brazil. Environmental Development, 46: 100856.

Carvalho LS, Russo P, Brescovit AD, Oliveira-Tomasi M, Oliveira U, Santos AJ (2023) The Spider Fauna of the Northern Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Effect of Sampling Bias on Diversity Patterns and Conservation. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation in Brazil’s Northern Atlantic Forest: 103-120.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho B, Rodrigues H, Figueira D, Gomes L, Leles W, Berlinck C, Morelli F, Bustamante M, Ometto J, Miranda H (2023) A near real‑time web‑system for predicting fire spread across the Cerrado biome. Nature Scientific Reports, 13: 4829.

Bachi L, Carvalho-Ribeiro S (2023) Markets for Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs): The Role of Community-Based Tourism (CBT) in Enhancing Brazil’s Sociobiodiversity. Forests, 14(2): 298.

Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira U, Ferreira MN, Marques FFC, Oliveira AR, Silva FR, Börner J (2023) Contribution of the Amazon protected areas program to forest conservation. Biological Conservation, 279: 109928.

Cortez MLJ, Azevedo UR, Campos-Júnior EO, Nascimento DCM, Diogo AM, Coelho VBN, Barbosa DS, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2023) What role do social variables and health play in the spread of Covid-19 in the state of Minas Gerais – Brazil? Caderno de Geografia, 33(72): 317-335.

Goulart FF, Chappell MJ, Mertens F, Soares-Filho BS (2023) Sparing or expanding? The efects of agricultural yields on farm expansion and deforestation in the tropics. Biodiversity and Conservation.


Barron ES, Chaudhary RP, Carvalho-Ribeiro S, Gilman E, Hess J, Hilborn R, Katz E, Kigonya R, Masski H, Mesa Castellanos LI, Mograbi PJ, Nayak PK, Queiroz H, Sidorovich A, Silvano RAM, Zeng Y, Djagoun C, Danner MC (2022) Chapter 3: Status of and trends in the use of wild species and its implications for wild species, the environment and people. In: Thematic Assessment Report on the Sustainable Use of Wild Species of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Fromentin JM, Emery MR, Donaldson J, Danner MC, Hallosserie A, Kieling D (eds.). IPBES Secretariat, Bonn, Germany.

Fonseca CO, Gonçalves VP, Leite-Filho AT, Soares-Filho BS (2022) Lacunas nas políticas para descarbonização do setor de transportes no estado de Minas Gerais. CSR e LAGESA.

Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto – CSR/UFMG, Laboratório de Gestão de Serviços Ambientais – LAGESA/UFMG, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, Centro de Inteligência Territorial – CIT, Observatório do Código Florestal – OCF, Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola – IMAFLORA (2022) Panorama do Código Florestal Brasileiro. CSR e LAGESA.

Costa W, Soares-Filho B, Nóbrega R (2022) Can the Brazilian National Logistics Plan induce port competitiveness by reshaping the port service areas?. Sustainability, 14(21): 14567.

Rodrigues AA, Macedo MN, Silvério DV, Maracahipes L, Coe MT, Brando PM, Shimbo JZ, Rajão R, Soares-Filho B, Bustamante MMC (2022) Cerrado deforestation threatens regional climate and water availability for agriculture and ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 00: 1–16.

Manzolli B, Rajão R (2022) Boletim do Ouro 2021-2022. CSR, Ano 2021-2022.

Rajão R, Nobre AD, Cunha ELTP, Duarte TR, Marcolino C, Soares-Filho BS, Sparovekd G, Rodrigues RR, Valera C, Bustamante M, Nobre C, Lima LS (2022) O risco das falsas controvérsias científicas para as políticas ambientais brasileiras. Sociedade E Estado, 37(1): 317–352.

Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto – CSR/UFMG, Laboratório de Gestão de Serviços Ambientais – LAGESA/UFMG, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, Centro de Inteligência Territorial – CIT, Observatório do Código Florestal – OCF, Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola – IMAFLORA (2022) Boletim Informativo do Balanço do Código Florestal. CSR e LAGESA, Vol. 1.

Dutra DJ, Elmiro MAT, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2022) Association between forest resources and water availability: temporal analysis of the Serra Azul stream sub-basin. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 94(3).

Bachi L, Carvalho-Ribeiro S (2022) The Sustainability of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and Sociobiodiversity in Rural Brazil Through Community-based Tourism. In Farmaki A, Altinay L, Font X (Eds) Planning and Managing Sustainability in Tourism. Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management (Chap. 14, pp. 225-246).

Rajão R, Manzolli B, Soares-Filho B, Galéry R (2022) A crise dos ferlitizantes no Brasil: da tragédia anunciada às falsas soluções. Brasil: UFMG e SBPC, 22 p.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho B, Bustamante M, Gomes L, Ometto JP, Rajão R (2022) Determinants of Fire Impact in the Brazilian Biomes. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5: 735017.

Nunes F, Rajão R, Oliveira A, Leite Filho AT, Soares-Filho BS (2022) Estimativas de ativos e passivos florestais vigentes no estado de Mato Grosso e impactos resultantes do Projeto de Lei 337/2022. CSR e LAGESA, Nota técnica.

Paula LGS, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2022) Aptitude of areas around Rio Doce State Park for the implementation of agroforestry systems based on multi-criteria analysis. Ciência Florestal, 32(1): 474-492.

Costa W, Davis J, Oliveira A, Nascimento B, Fernandes F, Nunes F, Rajão R, Soares-Filho BS (2022) Viabilidade de sistemas ferroviários para exportação agrícola. CSR e LAGESA, Policy Brief.

Rajão R, Nobre AD, Cunha ELTP Duarte TR, Marcolino C, Soares-Filho BS, Sparovek G, Rodrigues R, Valera C, Bustamante M, Nobre C, Lima LS (2022) The risk of fake controversies for Brazilian environmental policies. Biological Conservation, 109447.

Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Soares-Filho BS (2022) Opportunities of the Nagoya Protocol to nurture the use of native species in Brazil. Environmental Science & Policy, 127: 321-324.


Santos ACM, Albuquerque CC, Guimarães BS, Araújo AS, Leite-Filho AT, Soares-Filho BS (2021) A relevância do setor de resíduos sólidos em Minas Gerais no cumprimento dos compromissos climáticos. CSR, Policy Brief.

Costa W, Davis J, Oliveira A, Fernandes F, Rajão R, Soares-Filho BS (2021) Ferrogrão com terminal em Matupá partirá ao meio as terras indígenas do Xingu. CSR e LAGESA, Policy Brief.

Manzolli B, Rajão R, Bragança ACH, Oliveira PTM, Alcântara GK, Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS (2021) Legalidade da produção de ouro no Brasil. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: IGC/UFMG, 43p.

Follador M, Soares-Filho BS, Philippidis G, Davis JL, Oliveira AR, Rajão R (2021) Brazil’s sugarcane embitters the EU-Mercosur trade talks. Nature Scientific Reports, 11: 13768.

Leite-Filho AT, Soares-Filho BS, Davis JL, Abrahão GM, Börner J (2021) Deforestation reduces rainfall and agricultural revenues in the Brazilian Amazon. Nature Communications, 12: 2591.

Bachi L, Faria DMCP, Horta MB, Carvalho-Ribeiro S (2021) Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services (CESs) and key urban landscape features: a pilot study for land use policy and planning review. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 13(2): 1-15.

Rajão R, Schmitt J, Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS (2021) Dicotomia da impunidade do desmatamento ilegal. CSR e LAGESA, Policy Brief.

Rajão R, Assis D, Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS (2021) PL 510/2021 e 2633/2020: modernização da regularização fundiária ou lei da grilagem?. CSR e LAGESA, Policy Brief.

Gomes WWE, Leite-Filho AT, Soares-Filho BS (2021) Simulação dos impactos das mudanças climáticas globais na evapotranspiração de referência da Bacia Amazônica brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, 28: 450-470.

Rajão R, Davis J, Rochedo P, Soares-Filho BS (2021) Brazil’s new climate target backtracks and allows an increase in deforestation. CSR e LAGESA, Policy Brief.

Oliveira AS, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira U, Van der Hoff R, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Oliveira AR, Scheepers LC, Vargas BA, Rajão R (2021) Costs and effectiveness of public and private fire management programs in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado. Forest Policy and Economics, 127: 102447.

Pacheco R, Rajão R, Hoff R, Soares-Filho BS (2021) Will farmers seek environmental regularization in the Amazon and how? Insights from the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) questionnaires. Journal of Environmental Management, 284: 112010.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho BS, Costa WLS, Gomes L, Bustamante M, Miranda H (2021) Modeling fuel loads dynamics and fire spread probability in the Brazilian Cerrado. Forest Ecology and Management, 482: 118889.

Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Boscolo D, Ciochetti G, Firmino A, Guiomar N (2021) Ecologia da Paisagem no Contexto Luso-Brasileiro Volume I. Curitiba, Brasil: Editora Appris, 429 p. ISBN: 9786525002798.

Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Boscolo D, Ciochetti G, Firmino A, Guiomar N (2021) Ecologia da Paisagem no Contexto Luso-Brasileiro Volume II. Curitiba, Brasil: Editora Appris, 465 p. ISBN: 9786525002774.

Davis JL, Oliveira AS, Silveira-Batista EL, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Rajão R, Soares-Filho BS (2021) Aplicação da modelação da dinâmica da paisagem na formulação de políticas públicas. In: Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Boscolo D, Ciochetti G, Firmino A, Guiomar N. Ecologia da Paisagem no Contexto Luso-Brasileiro Volume II (1 ed, Chap. 4.6, pp. 167-184). Curitiba, Brasil: Editora Appris.

Larrea C, Murmisb M, Azevedo T, Nunes F, Rajão R, Capobianco J, Garavito C, Soares-Filho B, Van Der Hoff R. (2021) Globalization, extractivism, and social exclusion: Threats and opportunities to Amazon governance in Brazil. Amazon Assessment Report 2021. Chapter: 17, Publisher: United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Science Panel for the Amazon.


Costa W, Davis J, Ribeiro A, Soares-Filho BS (2020) Amazônia do futuro: o que esperar dos impactos socioambientais da Ferrogrão?. CSR, Policy brief.

Gomes L, Miranda HS, Soares-Filho BS, Santos LRS, Oliveira U, Bustamante M (2020) Responses of Plant Biomass in the Brazilian Savanna to Frequent Fires. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3: 507710.

Costa MH, Cohn AS, Brando PM, Abrahão GM, Fu R, Lawrence D, Pires GF, Coe MT, Fleck LC, Pousa R, Soares-Filho BS (2020) Collective action can avoid the “tragedy of the Amazon commons”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(8): 430-431.

Sabadini SC, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Leão ZM, Ruchkys UA, Kikuchi RK, Soares-Filho BS (2020) Modelling susceptibility of Abrolhos reefs to coral bleaching. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 54: 312-342.

Soares-Filho B, Davis J, Rajão R (2020) Pavimentação da BR-319, a rodovia do desmatamento. CSR e LAGESA, Nota técnica.

Siqueira-Gay J, Soares-Filho B, Sanchez LE, Oviedo A, Sonter LJ (2020) Proposed legislation to mine Brazil’s indigenous lands will threaten amazon forests and their valuable ecosystem services. One Earth, 3(3): 356-362.

Rajão R, Soares-Filho B, Nunes F, Borner J, Machado L, Assis D, Oliveira A, Pinto L, Ribeiro V, Rausch L, Gibbs H, Figueira D (2020) The rotten apples of Brazil’s agribusiness. Science, 369 (6501): 246-248.

Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Rajão R, Nunes F, Assis D, Ambrósio Neto J, Marcolino C, Lima L, Rickard T, Salomão C, Soares-Filho B (2020) A spatially explicit index for mapping Forest Restoration Vacation (FRV) at the landscape scale: Application in the Rio Doce basin, Brazil. Science of The Total Environment, 744: 140647.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho B, Oviedo A, Moreira T, Carlos S, Ricardo J, Piaz A (2020) Modelagem da vulnerabilidade dos povos indígenas no Brasil ao covid-19. Instituto Socioambiental – ISA, Nota técnica.

Sonter LJ, Simmonds JS, Watson JEM, Jones JPG, Kiesecker JM, Costa HM, Bennun L, Edwars S, Gratham HS, Griffiths VF, Jones K, Schi K, Puydarrieux P, Quétier F, Rainer H, Rainey H, Roe D, Satar M, Soares-Filho BS, Starkey M, Kate K, Victurine R, Hase A, Wells J, Maron M (2020) Local conditions and policy design determine whether ecological compensation can achieve No Net Loss goals. Nature Communications, 11: 2072.

Brando PM, Soares-Filho B, Rodrigues L, Assunção A, Morton D, Tuchschneider D, Fernandes ECM, Macedo MN, Oliveira U and Coe MT (2020) The gathering firestorm in southern Amazonia. Science Advances, 6 (2): EAAY1632.

Batista E, Soares Filho B, Rajão R, Barbosa F, Costa M, Nunes F, Davis J, Oliveira A, Machado L, Rodrigues H, Leitão R, Figueira D, Dias F, Assis D (2020) Cenários para a intensificação da bovinocultura de corte brasileira. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: IGC/UFMG, 65p.

Meyfroidt P, Boerner J, Garret R, Gardner T, Godar J, Kis-Katos K, Soares-Filho B, Wunder S (2020) Focus on leakage and spillovers: informing land-use governance in a tele-coupled world. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (9): 090202.

Bachi L, Ribeiro SC, Hermes J, Saadi A (2020) Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) in landscapes with a tourist vocation: Mapping and modeling the physical landscape components that bring benefits to people in a mountain tourist destination in southeastern Brazil. Tourism Management, 77: 104017.

Oliveira BR, Costa EL, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Maia-Barbosa PM (2020) Land use dynamics and future scenarios of the Rio Doce State Park buffer zone, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192: 39.

Ruchkys U, Castro PT, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Alvarenga L (2020) Applying geoethics to the context of mining ferruginous geosystems: Case studies from the tailing dam breaks in Fundão and Córrego do Feijão, Minas Gerais – Brazil. Episodes, 1: 1-10.

Oliveira BR, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Maia-Barbosa PM (2020) Rio Doce State Park buffer zone: forest fragmentation and land use dynamics. Environment, Development and Sustainability.

Pereira L, Davies K, Belder E, Ferrier S, Karlsson‐Vinkhuyzen S, Kim H, Kuiper J, Okayasu S, Palomo M, Pereira H, Peterson G, Sathyapalan J, Schoolenberg M, Alkemade R, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Greenaway A, Hauk J, King N, Lazarova T, Ravera F, Chettri N, Cheung W, Hendricks R, Kolomytsev G, Leadley P, Metzger JP, Ninan K, Pichs R, Popp A, Rondinini C, Rosa I, Vuuren D, Lundquist C (2020) Developing multiscale and integrative nature–people scenarios using the Nature Futures Framework. People and Nature, 2: 1172–1195.

Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Jardim H, Azevedo U, Coelho V, Bachi L, Soares-Filho BS (2020) Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes: multi scale governance for Implementing enhanced socio-biodiversity chains. Sustentabilidade em Debate, 11 (2): 43-63.

Fernandes GW, Arantes-Garcia L, Barbosa M, Barbosa NP, Batista EK, Beiroz W, Resende FM, Abrahão A, Almada ED, Alves E, Alves NJ, Angrisano P, Arista M, Arroyo J, Arruda AJ, Bahia TO, Braga L, Brito L, Callisto M, Caminha-Paiva D, Carvalho M, Conceição AA, Costa LN, Cruz AJ, Cunha-Blum J, Dagevos J, Dias BF, Pinto V, Dirzo R, Domingos DQ, Echternacht L, Fernandes S, Figueira JE, Fiorini C, Giulietti AM, Gomes A, Gomes VM, Gontijo B, Goulart F, Guerra T, Junqueira PA, Santos DL, Marques J, Meira-Neto J, Miola D, Morellato P, Negreiros D, Neire E, Neves AC, Neves F, Novais S, Oki Y, Oliveira E, Oliveira RS, Pivari MO, Pontes-Junior E, Ranieri BD, Ribas RP, Scariot A, Schaefer CE, Dias LS, Silva PG, Siqueira P, Soares NC, Soares-Filho BS, Solar R, Tabarelli M, Vasconcellos R, Vilela E, Silveira FA (2020) Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Campo Rupestre: A road map for the sustainability of the hottest Brazilian biodiversity hotspot. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 18(4): 213-222.


Batista E, Soares-Filho B, Barbosa F, Merry F, Davis J, Van der Hoff R, Rajão RG (2019) Large-scale pasture restoration may not be the best option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil. Environmental Research Letters, 14(12): 125009.

Colman CB, Oliveira PTS, Almagro A, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues DBB (2019) Effects of Climate and Land-Cover Changes on Soil Erosion in Brazilian Pantanal. Sustainability, 11(24): 7053.

Correa J, Van der Hoff R, Rajão R (2019) Amazon Fund 10 Years Later: Lessons from the World’s Largest REDD+ Program. Forests, 10(3): 272.

Costa MH, Fleck LC, Cohn AS, Abrahão GM, Brando PM, Coe MT, Fu R, Lawrence D, Pires GF, Pousa R, Soares-Filho BS (2019) Climate risks to Amazon agriculture suggest a rationale to conserve local ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(10): 584-590.

Teixeira FZ, Bachi L, Blanco J, Zimmermann I, Welle I, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM (2019) Perceived ecosystem services (ES) and ecosystem disservices (EDS) from trees: insights from three case studies in Brazil and France.Landscape Ecology, 34(7): 1583-1600.

Van der Hoff R, Rajão R (2019) Can REDD+ still become a market? Ruptured dependencies and market logics for emission reductions in Brazil.Ecological Economics, 161: 121-129.

Oliveira BR, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Maia-Barbosa PM (2019) A multiscale analysis of land use dynamics in the buffer zone of Rio Doce State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(5): 935-957

Follador M, Philippidis G, Davis J, Soares-Filho B (2019) Assessing the impacts of the EU
bioeconomy on third countries: Potential environmental impacts in Brazil of EU biofuel demand to 2030.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 85p. ISBN 978-92-76-09820-1.

Oviedo A, Soares-Filho B, Lima WP, Santos TM, Leles W, Ribeiro A (2019) Ameaças futuras aos territórios dos povos isolados na Amazônia brasileira. In: Ricardo F, Gongora MF (Org.) Cercos e resistências: povos indígenas na Amazônia Brasileira. São Paulo, Brasil: Instituto Socioambiental, 255p. ISBN: 978-85-8226-073-9

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho BS, Leitão RFM, Rodrigues HO (2019) BioDinamica: a toolkit for analyses of biodiversity and biogeography on the Dinamica-EGO modelling platform. PeerJ, 7: e7213

Oliveira AS, Soares-Filho BS, COsta MA, Lima L, Garcia RA, Rajão R, Carvalho Ribeiro, SM (2019) Bringing economic development for whom? An exploratory study of the impact of the Interoceanic Highway on the livelihood of smallholders in the Amazon. Landscape and Urban Planning, 188: 171-179.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho BS, Santos AJ, Paglia AP, Brescovit AD, Carvalho CJB, Silva DP, Rezende DT, Leite FSF, Batista JAN, Barbosa JP, Stehmann JR, Ascher JS, Vasconcelos MF, De Marco P, Löwenberg-Neto P & Ferro VG (2019) Modelling Highly Biodiverse Areas in Brazil. Nature Scientific Reports, 9: 6355.

Oliveira AS, Rajão RG, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira U, Santos LR, Assunção AC, van der Hoff R, Rodrigues HO, Ribeiro SMC, Merry F, Lima LS (2019) Economic losses to sustainable timber production by fire in the Brazilian Amazon. The Geographical Journal, 185: 55-67.

Ferreira BM, Soares-Filho BS, Pereira FMQ (2019) The Dinamica EGO Virtual Machine. Science of Computer Programming, 173: 3-20

Garret RD, Levy S, Carlson KM, Gardner TA, Godar J, Clapp J, Dauvergne P, Heilmayr R, le Polain de Waroux Y, Ayre B, Barr R, Dovre B, Gibbs HK, Hall S, Lake S, Milder JC, Rausch LL, Rivero R, Rueda X, Sarsfield R, Soares-Filho B, Villoria N (2019) Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments. Global Environmental Change, 54: 135-147.

Miranda J, Börner J, Kalkuhl M, Soares-Filho B (2019) Land speculation and conservation policy leakage in Brazil. Environmental Research Letters, 14(4): 045006.

Sparovek G, Reydon B, Pinto LFG, Faria V, Freitas FLM, Azevedo-Ramos C, Gardner T, Hamamura C, Rajão R, Cerignoni F, Siqueira GP, Carvalho T, Alencar A, Ribeiro V (2019) Who owns Brazilian lands? Land Use Policy, 87: 104062.

Oliveira B, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Barbosa PM (2019) A multiscale analysis of land use dynamics in the buffer zone of Rio Doce State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Environmental Planning and Management, 63(5): 935-957.


Horta MB, Cabral MI, Pires I, Bachi LS, Luz A, Fernandes GW, Drumond MA, Carvalho-Ribeiro S (2018) Assessing Urban Ecosystem Services: Different Methodological Approaches Applied in Brazil, Germany, and Portugal. Handbook of Research on Methods and Tools for Assessing Cultural Landscape Adaptation. Edition: 1, Chapter: 8, Publisher: IGI Global- Engineering Science Reference, 183-220.

Van Der Zanden EH, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Verburg PH (2018) Abandonment landscapes: user attitudes, alternative futures and landmanagement in Castro Laboreiro, Portugal. Regional Environmental Change, 18(5): 1509-1520.

Costa MA, Rajão R, Stabile MCC, Azevedo AA, Correa J (2018) Epidemiologically inspired approaches to land-use policy evaluation: The infuence of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Elementa Science of Anthropoce, 6(1).

Van der Hoff R, Rajão R, Leroy P (2018) Clashing interpretations of REDD+ B “results” in the Amazon Fund. Climatic Change, 150(3), 433-445.

Horta MB, Bhakti T, Cordeiro PF, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Fernandes GW, Goulart FF (2018) Functional connectivity in urban landscapes promoted by Ramphastos toco (Toco Toucan) and its implications for policy making. Urban Ecosystems, 21(6): 1097-1111.

Lima LS, Merry F, Soares-Filho B, Rodrigues HO, Damaceno CS, Bauch MA (2018) Illegal logging as a disincentive to the establishment of a sustainable forest sector in the Amazon. Plos One 13(12): e0207855.

Soares-Filho B, Rajão R (2018) Traditional conservation strategies still the best option. Nature Sustainability: 608-610.

Soares-Filho B (Contributing author and reviewer) (2018) Global Fire Challenges in a Warming World: summary note of a Global Expert Workshop on Fire and Climate Change. Occasional Paper No. 32. IUFRO, Vienna.

Strand J, Soares-Filho B, Costa HM, Oliveira U, Ribeiro SC, Pires GF, Oliveira A, Rajão R, May P, Hoff R, Siikamäki J, Motta RS, Toman M (2018) Spatially explicit valuation of the Brazilian Amazon Forest’s Ecosystem Services. Nature Sustainability, 1(11): 657-664.

Artaxo P, Asner G, Bustamante M, Carpenter S, Ciais P, Clark J, Coe M, Daily G, Davidson E, DeFries R, Erb K, Fedoroff N, Foster D, Galloway J, Gibbs H, Grassi G, Hansen M, Homberger G, Houghton R, House J, Howarth R, Janzen D, Joly C, Kurz W, Laurance W, Lawrence W, Mach K, Marendo J, Moowaw W, Melillo J, Nobre C, Scarano F, Shugart H, Smith P, Soares-Filho B, Terborgh J, Tilman G, Val A, Verchot L, Waring R (2018) Five Reasons the Earth’s Climate Depends on Forests. Climate and Land Use Alliance, Statement from Scientist Signatories.

Lopes E, Soares-Filho BS, Souza F, Rajão RG, Merry F, Ribeiro SC (2018) Mapping the socio-ecology of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) extraction in the Brazilian Amazon: The case of açaí (Euterpe precatoria Mart) in Acre. Landscape and Urban Planning, 188: 110-117.

Monteiro LM, Brum FT, Pressey RL, Morelatto LPC, Soares-Filho B, Lima-Ribeiro MS, Loyola R (2018) Evaluating the impact of future actions in minimizing vegetation loss from land conversion in the Brazilian Cerrado under climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29: 1701–1722.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho BS, Paglia AP, Brescovit AD, Carvalho CJB, Silva DP, Rezende DT, Leite FSF, Batista JAN, Barbosa JPPP, Stehmann JR, Ascher JS, Vasconcelos MF, De Marco P, Löwenberg-Neto P, Feroo VG, Santos AJ (2018) Reply to Biodiversity conservation gaps in Brazil: A role for systematic conservation planning. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 16(3): 166-167.

Rochedo PRR, Soares-Filho BS, Schaeffer R, Viola E, Szklo A, Lucena AFP, Koberle A, Davis JL, Rajão R, Rathmann R (2018) The threat of political bargaining to climate mitigation in Brazil. Nature Climate Change, 8: 695–698.

Rajão R, Soares-Filho BS, Pacheco R (2018) Mercado de Cotas de Reserva Ambiental (CRA) no Mato Grosso e Pará. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: IGC/UFMG, 52 p.

Ribeiro SMC, Soares-Filho BS, Costa WL, Bachi L, Oliveira AR, Bilotta P, Saadi A, Lopes E, O’Riordan T, Pennacchio HL (2018) Can multifunctional livelihoods including recreational ecosystem services (RES) and non timber forest products (NTFP) maintain biodiverse forests in the Brazilian Amazon? Ecosystem Services, 31(C): 517-526.

Silva YBS, Ribeiro BR, Brum FT, Soares-Filho BS, Loyola R, Michalski F (2018) Combined exposure to hydroelectric expansion, climate change and forest loss jeopardies amphibians in the Brazilian Amazon. Diversity and Distributions, 24(8): 1072-1082.

Vieira RR, Ribeiro BR, Resende FM, Brum FT, Machado N, Sales LP, Macedo L, Soares-Filho BS, Loyola R (2018) Compliance to Brazil’s Forest Code will not protect biodiversity and ecosystem services. Diversity and Distributions, 24(4): 434-438.

Goulart F, Galán AL, Nelson E, Soares Filho BS (2018) Conservation lessons from Cuba: Connecting science and policy. Biological Conservation, 217: 280-288.

Soares-Filho BS, Campos A, Koberle AC, Ribeiro A, Alvim F, Davis JL, Rajão R, Maia S, Costa WLS (2018) Modelagem Setorial de Opções de Baixo Carbono para Agricultura, Florestas e Outros Usos do Solo (AFOLU). Brasília: Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações, ONU Meio Ambiente, 400 p. ISBN: 978-85-85-88063-35-8.

Szlo A, Lucena A, Schaeffer R, Soares-Filho BS, Davis JL, Rajão R, Haddad EA, Domingues EP, Campos A, Koberle A, Ribeiro A, Lima E, Barbosa FA, Império M, Rochedo P, Maia S, Costa WLS (2018) Modelagem Integrada e Impactos Econômicos de Opções Setoriais de Baixo Carbono. Brasília: Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações, ONU Meio Ambiente, 120 p. ISBN: 978-85-88063-55-6.

Lima TC, Ribeiro SC, Soares Filho BS (2018) Integrating Econometric and Spatially Explicit Dynamic Models to Simulate Land Use Transitions in the Cerrado Biome. In: Camacho OM, Paegelow M, Mas JF, Escobar F (eds) Geomatic Approaches for Modeling Land Change Scenarios. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography: 399-417.

Rodrigues H, Soares Filho BS (2018) A Short Presentation of Dinamica EGO. In: Camacho OM, Paegelow M, Mas JF, Escobar F (eds) Geomatic Approaches for Modeling Land Change Scenarios. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography: 493-498.

Rajão R, Jarke J (2018) The materiality of data transparency and the (re)confguration of environmental activism in the Brazilian Amazon. Social Movement Studies, 17(3): 318-332.

Rajão R, Duarte T (2018) Performing postcolonial identities at the United Nations’ climate negotiations. Postcolonial Studies, 21(3): 364-378.

Van Der Zanden EH, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Verburg PH (2018) Abandonment landscapes: user attitudes, alternative futures and land management in Castro Laboreiro, Portugal. Regional Environmental Change, 18: 1509–1520.

Nóbrega RAA, Carvalho-Ribeiro SM, Costa EL, Bilotta P, Grimm IJ, Sampaio CAC, Schypula A, Chaves JM, Rocha WJSF, Vasconcelos RN (2018) F. Destaque territorial: proposta de modelagem socioeconômica e ambiental para avaliar a inserção social nos Programas de Pós-graduação em ciências ambientais. RBCIAMB, (49): 34-50.


Davenport RB, Vivan JL, May PH, Nunes PC, Vargas LC, Costa WLS, Olieveira AR, Rajão RL (2017) Adaptive Forest Governance in Northwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil: Pilot project outcomes across agrarian reform landscapes. Environmental Policy and Governance 27: 453-471.

Hermansen EAT, McNeill D, Kasa S, Rajão R (2017) Co-Operation or Co-Optation? NGOs’ Roles in Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative. Forests 8 (64): 1-27.

Sonter LJ, Herrera D, Barrett DJ, Galford GL, Moran CJ, Soares Filho BS (2017) Mining drives extensive deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Nature Communications 8: 1013.

Szklo A, Lucena A, Schaeffer R, Soares Filho BS, Davis JL, Rajão R, Haddad EA, Domingues EP, Campos EP, Campos A, Koberle A, Ribeiro A, Lima E, Barbosa FA, Império M, Rochedo P, Maia S, Costa WLS (2017) Modelagem integrada e impactos econômicos de opções setoriais de baixo carbono. Ministério da Ciências, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações; ONU Meio Ambiente, 121 p.

Soareas Filho BS, Campos A, Koberle AC, Ribeiro A, Alvim F, Davis JL, Rajão R, Maia S, Costa WLS (2017) Modelagem setorial de opções de baixo carbono para agricultura, florestas e outros usos do solo (AFOLU). Ministério da Ciências, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações; ONU Meio Ambiente, 401 p.

De Faria BL, Brando PM, Macedo MN, Panday PK, Soares Filho BS, Coe M (2017) Current and future patterns of fire-induced forest degradation in Amazonia. Environmental Research Letters 12(9) 095005.

Pena JCC, Goulart F, Fernandes GW, Hoffmann D, Leite FSF, Santos NB, Soares-Filho BS, Sobral-Souza T (2017) Impacts of mining activities on the potential geographic distribution of eastern Brazil mountaintop endemic species. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho BS, Paglia AP, Brescovit AD, de Carvalho CJB, Silva DP, Rezende DT, Leite FSF, Batista JAN, Barbosa JPPP, Stehmann JR, Ascher JS, Vasconcelos MF, Marco P, Löwenberg-Neto P, Ferro VG e Santos AJ (2017) Biodiversity conservation gaps in the Brazilian protected areas. Nature Scientific Reports 7(9141).

Pacheco R, Rajão R, Soares-Filho BS, Van Der Hoff R (2017) Regularização do passivo de reserva legal: percepção dos produtores rurais no Pará e Mato Grosso. Ambiente & Sociedade 20(2): 185-206.

Azevedo AA, Rajão R, Costa MA, Stabile MCC, Macedo MN, Reis TNP, Alencar A, Soares-Filho BS, Pacheco R (2017) Limits of Brazil’s Forest Code as a means to end illegal deforestation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: 1-6.

Soares-Filho BS, Ribeiro SMC, Oliveira U, Costa WLS, Oliveira AR, Merry F, Teixeira ILS, Gomes WWE, Figueira DS, Rodrigues HM (2017) Economic Valuation of Changes in the Amazon Forest Area: Value maps for Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: IGC/UFMG, 82 p. ISBN: 978-85-61968-05-2.

Soares-Filho BS, Lima LS, Oliveira AS, Ribeiro SMC, Rodrigues HM, Oliveira U, Costa WLS, Oliveira AR, Merry F, Teixeira ILS, Gomes WWE, Figueira DS (2017) Economic Valuation of Changes in the Amazon Forest Area: Value maps for Timber Forest Products. Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: IGC/UFMG, 37 p. ISBN: 978-85-61968-06-9.

Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira AS, Rajão R, Oliveira U, Santos LRS, Assunção AC, Rodrigues HM, Oliveira AR, Merry F, Costa WLS, Brando P, Ribeiro SMC, Teixeira ILS (2017) Economic Valuation of Changes in the Amazon Forest Area: Economic Losses by Fires to Sustainable Timber Production. Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: IGC/UFMG, 46 p. ISBN: 978-85-61968-09-0.

Oliveira U, Soares-Filho BS, Costa WLS, Ribeiro SMC, Oliveira AR, Teixeira ILS, Figueira DS, Rodrigues HM (2017) Economic Valuation of Changes in the Amazon Forest Area: Priority Areas for Biodiversity Conservation in the Brazilian Amazon. Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: IGC/UFMG, 32 p. ISBN: 978-85-61968-07-6.

Merry F and Soares Filho BS (2017) Will intensification of beef production deliver conservation outcomes in the Brazilian Amazon?. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene 5(24): 1-12.

Jaramillo-Giraldo C, Soares-Filho BS, Ribeiro SMC, Gonçalves RC (2017) Is It Possible to Make Rubber Extraction Ecologically and Economically Viable in the Amazon? The Southern Acre and Chico Mendes Reserve Case Study. Ecological Economics 134: 186-197.

Strassburg BBN, Brooks T, Feltran-Barbieri R, Iribarem A, Crouzeilles R, Loyla R, Latawiec A, Oliveira F, Scaramuzza CAM, Scarano FR, Soares-Filho B, Balmford A (2017) Moment of truth for the Cerrado Hotspot. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1,0099.

Nunes FSM, Soares-Filho B, Rajão R, Merry F (2017) Enabling large-scale forest restoration in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Environmental Research Letters 12(4): 2-10.

Molin PG, Gergel SE, Soares-Filho B, Ferraz SFB (2017) Spatial determinants of Atlantic Forest loss and recovery in Brazil. Landscape Ecology 32(4): 857-870.

Faria BL, Brando P, Macedo M, Panday P, Soares-Filho BS, Coe M (2017) Current and future patterns of fire-induced forest degradation in Amazonia. Environmental Research Letters.

Rajão R, Moutinho P, Soares L (2017) The Rights and Wrongs of Brazil’s Forest Monitoring Systems. Conservation Letters.


Fernandes GW, Goulart FF, Ranieri BD, Coelho MS, Dales K, Boesche N, Bustamante M, Carvalho FA, Carvalho DC, Dirzo R,Fernandes S, Galetti Jr PM, Millan VEG, Mielke C, Ramirez JL, Neves A, Rogass C, Ribeiro SP, Scariot A, Soares-Filho BS (2016) Deep into the mud: ecological and socio-economic impacts of the dam breach in Mariana, Brazil. Natureza & Conservação 14(2): 35-45.

Goulart FF, Perfecto I, Vandermeer J, Boucher D, Chappell M, Fernandes GW, Scariot A, Corrêa da Silva M, Oliveira W, Neville R, Moore J, Bustamante M, Carvalho SR, Soares-Filho BS (2016) Emissions from cattle farming in Brazil. Nature Climate Change 8: 893-894.

Nunes F, Rajão R, Soares-Filho BS (2016) Boundary work in climate policy making in Brazil: Reflections from the frontlines of the science-policy interface. Environmental Science & Policy 59: 85-92.

Rajão R, Marcolino C (2016) Between Indians and ‘‘cowboys’’: the role of ICT in the management of contradictory self-images and the production of carbon credits in the Brazilian Amazon Journal of Information Technology 31: 347-357.

Monteiro M, Rajão R (2016) Scientists as citizens and knowers in the detection of deforestation in the Amazon. Social Studies of Science 47(4): 466-484.

Borges GF, Rajão R (2016) Projeto Radam: (Re)Descobrindo o Projeto de Sensoriamento Remoto Aplicado ao Mapeamento da Amazônia. Revista Faculdade Santo Agostinho 13: 3-17.

Soares-Filho BS, Rajão R, Merry F, Rodrigues H, Davis J, Lima L, Macedo M, Coe M, Carneiro A, Santiago L (2016) Brazil’s Market for trading forest certificates. Plos One 11(4): e0152311.

Goulart FF, Carvalho-Ribeiro S, Soares-Filho BS (2016) Farming-Biodiversity Segregation or Integration? Revisiting Land Sparing versus Land Sharing Debate. Journal of Environmental Protection 7: 1016-1032.

Costa EL, Souza INP, Oliveira KKR, Herculano RN, Soares-Filho BS(2016) Modelagem espacial da expansão da mancha urbana de Mateus Leme/MG. Revista Geografias 99-106.


Galford GL, Soares-Filho BS, Sonter LJ, Laporte N (2015) Will Passive Protection Save Congo Forests? PLoS ONE, 10(6): e0128473

Rajão R e Soares Filho BS (2015) Cotas de reserva ambiental (CRA): viabilidade econômica e potencial do mercado no Brasil. Belo Horizonte: IGC/UFMG, 72 p.

Santos M, Bastos R, Vicente J, Berger U, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues H, Alonso J, Guerra C, Martins J, Honrado J, Cabral JA (2015) Anticipating Invasions and Managing Impacts: A Review of Recent Spatiotemporal Modelling Approaches. In: Canning-Clode J, Biological Invasions in Changing Ecosystems Vectors, Ecological Impacts, Management and Predictions, 389-410 p.

Van der Hoff R, Rajão R, Leroy P, Boezeman D (2015) The parallel materialization of REDD+ implementation discourses in Brazil. Forest Policy and Economics 55: 37-45.

Ferreira BM, Soares-Filho BS, Pereira FMQ (2015) The Dinamica Virtual Machine for Geosciences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9325:44-58.

Barbosa FA, Soares Filho BSS, Merry FD, Azevedo HO, Costa WLS, Coe MT, Batista ELS, Maciel TG, Sheepers LC, Oliveira AR, Rodrigues HO (2015) Cenários para a pecuária de corte amazônica. Editora IGC/UFMG, 154p.

Mas JF, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues H (2015) Calibrating Cellular Automata of Land Use/Cover Change Models Using a Genetic Algorithm. In: Annals of International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, La Grande Motte, France.

Gibbs HK, Rausch L, Munger J, Schelly I, Morton DC, Noojipady P, Soares-Filho, BS, Barreto P, Micol L, Walker NF (2015). Brazil’s Soy Moratorium. Science 347:377-378.

Rajão R, Soares-Filho BS (2015) Policies undermine Brazil’s GHG goals. Science 350(6260):519.


Macedo RC, Almeida CM, Santos JR, Rudorff BFT, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO, Sousa Jr. WC. (2014) Economic Impact Assessment of Silting-Up and Erosion Processes: How Spatial Dynamic Models Coupled with Environmental Valuation Models Can Contribute to Sustainable Practices in Sugarcane Farming. In: Webb E. (Org.). Sugarcane: Production, Consumption and Agricultural Management Systems. Nova Science Publishers, 2014. Pp. 61-89.

Hissa LBV, Soares-Filho BS (2014) A Combined Biophysical and Economic GIS Frameworkto Assess Sugarcane Cropping Potential in Brazil. Transactions in GIS 18(3): 449-463.

Arima EY, Barreto P, Araújo E, Soares-Filho BS (2014) Public policies can reduce tropical deforestation: Lessons and challenges from Brazil. Land Use Policy 41:465-473.

Soares-Filho BS, Rajão R (2014) Modelagem de Cenários de Desmatamento para o Noroeste do Mato Grosso.Policy in Focus 29:37-39.

Soares-Filho BS, Rajão R (2014) Modelling of Deforestation Scenarios for the Northwest of Mato Grosso. Policy in Focus 29:37-39.

Lima LS, Coe MT, Soares-Filho BS, Cuadra SV, Dias LCP, Costa MH, Lima LS, Rodrigues HO (2014) Feedbacks between deforestation, climate, and hydrology in the Southwestern Amazon: implications for the provision of ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology 29:261-274.

Soares-Filho BS, Rajão R, Macedo M, Carneiro A, Costa WLS, Coe M, Rodrigues HO, Alencar A (2014) Cracking Brazil’s Forest Code. Science 344:363-364.

Sonter LJ, Barrett DJ, Soares-Filho BS, Moran CJ (2014) Global demand for steel drives extensive land-use change in Brazil’s Iron Quadrangle. Global Environmental Change 26:63-72.

Brando PM, Balch JK, Nepstad D, Morton DC, Putz FE, Coe MT, Silvério D, Macedo MN, Davidson, EA, Nobrega CC, Alencar A, Soares-Filho BS (2014) Abrupt increases in Amazonian tree mortality due to drought-fire interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111:6347-6352.

Sonter LJ, Barrett DJ, Soares-Filho BS (2014) Offsetting the Impacts of Mining to Achieve No Net Loss of Native Vegetation. Conservation Biology 00:1-9.

Rajão R, Duque RB, De R (2014) Introduction: Voices from within and Outside the South—Defying STS Epistemologies, Boundaries,and Theories. Science, Technology & Human Values 39(6):767-772.

Rajão R, Georgiadou Y (2014) Blame Games in the Amazon: Environmental Crises and the Emergence of a Transparency Regime in Brazil. Global Environmental Politics 14(4):97-115.


Nolte C, Agrawal A, Silvius KM, Soares-Filho BS (2013) Governance regime and location influence avoided deforestation success of protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon. PNAS 110(13): 4956–4961.

Stickler CM, Coe MT, Costa MH, Nepstad DC, McGrath DG, Dias LCP, Rodrigues HO, Soares-Filho BS (2013) Dependence of hydropower energy generation on forests in the Amazon Basin at local and regional scales. PNAS 110(23): 9601–9606.

Suarez AF, Soares-Filho BS (2013) Estudo da mudança de uso e cobertura do solo na bacia do rio Formiga – MG. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia 65:417-429.

Walker R, Arima E, Messina J, Soares-Filho BS, Perz S, Vergara D, Sales M, Pereira R, Castro W (2013) Modeling spatial decisions with graph theory: logging roads and forest fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazon. Ecological Applications 23:239–254.

Mas JF, Soares-Filho BS, Pontius Jr RG, Gutiérrez MF, Rodrigues HO (2013) A Suite of Tools for ROC Analysis of Spatial Models. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2:869-887.

Oliveira LJC, Costa MH, Soares-Filho BS, Coe MT (2013) Large-scale expansion of agriculture in Amazonia may be a no-win scenario. Environmental Research Letters 8:1-10.

Lima LS, Lima LS, Soares-Filho BS, Coe MT, Ferreira BM, Rodrigues HO (2013) Interfaces gráficas em auxílio à implementação e ao uso de modelos hidrológicos. In: Anais do XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Foz do Iguaçu: INPE, p. 5737-5744.

Leitão RFM, Ferreira BM, Rodrigues HO, Soares-Filho BS (2013) Improving usability on GIS modeling with two new tools in Dinamica EGO. In: Anais do XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Foz do Iguaçu: INPE, p. 6041-6048.

Lima TC, Guillen-Lima CM, Oliveira MS, Soares-Filho BS (2013) DINAMICA EGO e Land Change Modeler para simulação de desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira: análise comparativa.  In: Anais do XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Foz do Iguaçu: INPE, p. 6379-6386.

Soares-Filho BS (2013) Impacto da revisão do Código Florestal: como viabilizar o grande desafio? Secretaria de Assuntos Estratégicos da Presidência da República.

Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO, Follador M (2013) A hybrid analytical-heuristic method for calibrating land-use change models. Environmental Modelling & Software 43:80-87.

Rajão R (2013) Representations and discourses: the role of local accounts and remote sensing in the formulation of Amazonia’s environmental policy. Environmental Science & Policy 30: 60-71.

Rajão R, Vurdubakis T (2013) On the Pragmatics of Inscription: Detecting Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
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Piontekowski VJ, Silva SS, Mendonza ERH, Costa WLS, Ribeiro FC (2012) Modelagem do desmatamento para o Estado do Acre utilizando o programa Dinamica EGO. In: Anais do IV Simpósio de Geotecnologias no Pantanal, Bonito: Embrapa Informática Agropecuária/INPE, p. 1064-1075.

Almeida CM, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO (2012) Evolutionary Computing & CA Models: A Genetic Algorithm Tool to Optimize the Bayesian Calibration of an Urban Land Use Change Model. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cellular Automata Modeling for Urban and Spatial Systems – CAMUSS, Coimbra, Portugal: Universidade de Coimbra, v. 1, p. 243-255.

Ferreira BM, Pereira FMQ, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO (2012) Optimizing a Geomodeling Domain Specific Language. In: 16th Brazilian Symposium of Programming Languages. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Natal v. 7554 p. 87-101.

Lima LS, Oliveira LJC, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO (2012) Balanço hídrico climatológico espacializado para o Brasil. In: Anais do XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, Gramado.

Leite CC, Costa MH, Soares-Filho BS, Hissa LBV (2012) Historical land use change and associated carbon emissions in Brazil from 1940 to 1995. Global Biogeochem Cycles 26.

Ferreira ME, Ferreira Jr LG, Miziarab F, Soares-Filho BS (2012) Modeling landscape dynamics in the central Brazilian savanna biome: future scenarios and perspectives for conservation. Journal of Land Use Science 8:403-421.

Carlson KM, Curran LM, Ratnasari D, Pittman AM, Soares-Filho BS, Asner GP, Trigg SN, Gaveau D A, Lawrence D, Rodrigues HO (2012) Committed carbon emissions, deforestation, and community land conversion from oil palm plantation expansion in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109:7559–7564.

Soares-Filho BS, Lima LS, Bowman M, Hissa LV (2012) Challenges for Low-Carbon Agriculture and Forest Conservation in Brazil. Inter-American Development Bank – Technical Notes 385.

Soares-Filho BS, Silvestrini R, Nepstad D, Brando P, Rodrigues HO, Alencar A, Coe M, Locks C, Lima L, Hissa LBV, Stickler C. (2012) Forest fragmentation, climate change and understory fire regimes on the Amazonian landscapes of the Xingu headwaters. Landscape Ecology 27:585-598.

Giudice R, Soares-Filho BS, Merry FD, Rodrigues HO, Bowman M (2012) Timber concessions in Madre de Dios: Are they a good deal? Ecological Economics 77:158–165.

Bowman MS, Soares-Filho BS, Merry FD, Nepstad DC, Rodrigues HO, Almeida OT (2012) Persistence of cattle ranching in the Brazilian Amazon: A spatial analysis of the rationale for beef production. Land Use Policy 29:558-568.

Nunes F, Soares-Filho BS, Giudice R, Rodrigues HO, Bowman MS, Silvestrini R, Mendoza E (2012) Economic benefits of forest conservation: assessing the potential rents from Brazil nut concessions in Madre de Dios, Peru, to channel REDD+ investments. Environmental Conservation 39: 132-143.



Nunes FS, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO (2011) Valorando a floresta em pé: A rentabilidade da Castanha do Brasil no Acre. In: IX Encontro Nacional de EcoEco, Brasília.

Silvestrini RA, Soares-Filho BS, Nepstad D, Coe M, Rodrigues HO, Assunção R (2011) Simulating fire regimes in the Amazon in response to climate change and deforestation. Ecological Applications 21:1573–1590.

Kirkby C, Giudice R, Brett D, Kerry T, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO, Douglas WY (2011) Closing the ecotourism-conservation loop in the Peruvian Amazon. Environmental Conservation.

Hayes N, Rajão R (2011) Competing institutional logics and sustainable development:the case of geographic information systems in Brazil’s Amazon region. Information Technology for Development, 17 (1): 4-23.


Ricketts TH, Soares-Filho BS, Fonseca GAB, Nepstad D, Pfaff A, Petsonk A, Anderson A, Boucher D, Cattaneo A, Conte M, Creighton K, Linden L, Maretti C, Moutinho P, Ullman R, Victurine R (2010) Indigenous Lands, Protected Areas, and Slowing Climate Change. PLoS Biol, 8(3).

Gouvello C, Soares-Filho BS, Nassar A, Schaeffer R, Jorge F, Nogueira W (2010) Brazil Low-carbon Country Case Study. WorldBank Report.

Soares-Filho BS, Moutinho P, Nepstad D, Anderson A, Rodrigues H, Garcia R, Dietschi L, Merry F, Bowman M, Hissa L, Silvestrini R, Maretti C (2010) Role of Brazilian Amazon protected areas in climate change mitigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:10821–10826.

Soares-Filho BS, Dietzch L, Moutinho P, Suarez AF, Rodrigues H (2010) Protected Areas Helping to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Brazil. In: Arguments for Protected Areas – Multiple Benefits for Conservation and Use, 1 ed. London, Washington DC: EarthScan, v. 1, p. 1-268.


Nepstad D, Soares-Filho BS, Merry F, Lima A, Moutinho P, Carter J, Bowman M, Cattaneo A, Rodrigues H, Schwartzman S, Mcgrath D, Stickler C, Lubowski PP, Rivero S, Alencar A, Almeida O, Stella O (2009) The End of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Science 326:1350-1351.

Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues H, Costa WLS (2009) Modeling Environmental Dynamics with Dinamica EGO. Available at www.csr.ufmg.br/dinamica.

Stickler C, Nepstad D, Coe M, Macgrrath D, Rodrigues H, Dabidson E, Soares-Filho B (2009) The potential ecological costs and co-benefits of REDD: a critical review and case study from the Amazon region. Global Change Biology 15:2803-2824.

Merry F, Soares-Filho BS, Nepstad D, Aamacher G, Rodrigues H (2009) Balancing Conservation and Economic Sustainability: The Future of the Amazon Timber Industry. Environmental Management, 44:395-407.

Coe M, Costa M, Soares-Filho BS (2009) The Influence of Historical and Potential Future Deforestation on the Stream Flow of the Amazon River – Land Surface Processes and Atmospheric Feedbacks. Journal of Hidrology 369:165–174.

Teixeira AM, Soares-Filho BS, Freitas S, Metzger JPW (2009) Modeling Landscape dynamics in the Atlantic Rainforest domain: Implications for conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 257:1219–1230.

Rajão R, Hayes N (2009) Conceptions of control and IT artefacts:an institutional account of the Amazon rainforest monitoring system. Journal of Information Technology 24:320-331.


Soares-Filho BS, Garcia RA, Rodrigues H, Moro S, Nepstad D (2008) Nexos entre as dimensões socioeconômicas e o desmatamento: A caminho de um modelo integrado. In: Batistella M, Alves D, Moran E (Org.). Amazônia: Natureza e Sociedade em Transformação. São Paulo:EDUSP, v. 1.

Soares-Filho BS, Dietzsch L, Moutinho P, Suarez AF, Rodrigues H, Pinto E, Maretti C, Suassuna K, Scaramuzza CA, Vasconcelos F (2008) Reduction of carbon emissions associated with deforestation in Brazil: The role of the Amazon region Protected Areas Program (ARPA). Brasília: IPAM, v. 1, 32 p.

Stickler CM, Nepstad DC, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO, Merry F, Bowman MS, Walker WS, Kellndofer JM, Almeida OT (2008) The opportunity costs of reducing carbon emissions in an Amazonian agroindustrial region: the Xingu River headwaters. A paper prepared for and presented at the 2008 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin, Germany.

Almeida C. Gleriani JM, Castejon EF, Soares-Filho BS (2008) Using neural networks and cellular automata for modeling intra-urban land-use dynamics. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22:943-963.

Godoy MMG & Soares-Filho BS (2008) Modelling intra-urban dynamics in the Savassi neighbourhood, Belo Horizonte city, Brazil. In: Paegelow M. & Camacho Olmedo MT, Ed. Modelling Environmental Dynamics. Springer, p. 319-338.

Vidolov S, O’Scolai P, Rajão R, Faik I, Higgins A (2008) Heterogeneities, multiplicities and complexities: towards subtler understandings of links between technology, organisation and society. Proceedings of Triangular Post-Graduate Conference, Dublin.


Nepstad D, Soares-Filho BS, Merry F, Moutinho P, Rodrigues H, Bowman M, Schwartzman S, Almeida O, Rivero S (2007) The Costs and Benefits of Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the Brazilian Amazon. A report for Bali COP-13.

Silvestrini RA, Soares-Filho BS, Rodrigues HO, Nepstad D (2007) Simulating the occurrence of hot pixels along the Amazon forest fringe. In: LBA-ECO 11th Science Team Meeting, Salvador, Brazil.

Soares-Filho BS, Garcia, R. A.; Rodrigues, H. O.; Moro, S; Nepstad, D. Coupling socioeconomic and demographic dimensions to a spatial simulation model of deforestation for the Brazilian Amazon. In: LBA-ECO 11th Science Team Meeting, Salvador, Brazil.

Rodrigues HO, Soares-Filho BS, Nepstad D, Costa WLS (2007) SimAmazonia-2, a basin-wide simulation model of Amazon landscape dynamics. In: LBA-ECO 11th Science Team Meeting, Salvador, Brazil.

Sampaio G, Nobre CA, Costa MH, Satyamurty OS, Soares-Filho BS, Cardoso MF (2007) Regional Climate Change Over Eastern Amazonia Caused by Pasture and Soybean Cropland Expansion. Geophysical Research Letters 34:1-7.

Rodrigues HO, Soares-Filho BS, Costa WLS (2007) Dinamica EGO, uma plataforma para modelagem de sistemas ambientais. In: Anais do XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Florianópolis: INPE, p. 3089-3096.

Castro FVF, Soares-Filho BS, Mendonza E (2007) Modelagem de cenários de mudanças na região de Brasiléia aplicada ao Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico do estado do Acre. In: Anais do XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Florianópolis: INPE, p. 5135-5142.

Rajão R, Hayes N (2007) SISTEMA DE MONITORAMENTO DA AMAZÔNIA: QUESTÃO DE SEGURANÇA NACIONAL. Por que GESITI? Segurança, Inovação e Sociedade. Campinas, brail: Komedi p. 53-86.


Soares-Filho BS, Nepstad D, Curran L, Voll E, Cerqueira G, Garcia RA, Ramos CA, Mcdonald A, Lefebvre P, Schlesdinger P (2006) Modeling conservation in the Amazon basin. Nature 440:520-523.


Almeida C, Monteiro M, Camara G, Soares-Filho BS, Cerqueira G, Pennachin CL (2005) GIS and Remote Sensing as Tools for the Simulation of Urban Land Use Change. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26:759-774.


Soares-Filho BS, Cerqueira GC, Araujo WL, Voll E (2004) Modelagem de dinâmica de paisagem: concepção e potencial de aplicação de modelos de simulação baseados em autômato celular. In: Albernaz AL, Silva JMC, Valeriano D (editores). Ferramentas para modelagem da distribuição de espécies em ambientes tropicais. Editora Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.

Soares-Filho BS, Alencar A, Nepstad D, Cerqueira G, Vera Diaz M, Rivero S, Solorzano L, Voll E (2004) Simulating the response of land-cover changes to road paving and governance along a major Amazon highway: the Santarém-Cuiabá corridor. Global Change Biology 10:745–764.


Soares-Filho BS, Nepstad D, Cerqueira G, Alencar A (2003) System architecture of a spatially explicit model to simulate deforestation in the Amazon basin. In: Seventh LBA-ECO Science Team Business Meeting, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Almeida CM, Monteiro AMV, Câmara G, Soares-Filho BS, Cerqueira GC, Araujo WL, Pantuzzo AE (2003) Simulating urban land use change through CA-Based modeling and logistic regression. In: Anais do XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Belo Horizonte: INPE, p. 1687 – 1694.

Soares-Filho BS, Corradi-Filho L, Cerqueira GC, Araujo WL (2003) Simulating the spatial patterns of change through the use of the dinamica model. In: Anais do XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Belo Horizonte: INPE, p. 721-728.

Almeida C, Batty M, Monteiro M, Camara G, Soares-Filho BS, Cerqueira G, Pennachin CL (2003) Stochastic cellular automata modeling of urban land use dynamics: empirical development and estimation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 27:481-509.


Soares-Filho BS, Pennachin CL, Cerqueira G (2002) DINAMICA – a stochastic cellular automata model designed to simulate the landscape dynamics in an Amazonian colonization frontier. Ecological Modelling 154:217-235.

Soares-Filho BS, Cerqueira G, Araújo W (2002) DINAMICA’s collection of spatial patterns of change.


Soares-Filho BS, Assunção RM, Pantuzo A (2001) Modeling the spatial transition probabilities of landscape changes in an Amazonian Colonization frontier. Bioscience 51:1039-1046.


Soares-Filho BS (1998) Análise de Paisagem: Fragmentação e Mudanças. Belo Horizonte.

Soares-Filho BS (1998) Modelagem da dinâmica de paisagem de uma região de fronteira de colonização amazônica. Thesis (Doctorate) – Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo.