News on the project

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2604, 2021

Cerrado Monitoring Workshop

The Cerrado Monitoring Workshop, promoted by the FIP project – Cerrado Monitoring in partnership with MundoGEO, will take place between April 27th and 29th, 2021.

In the occasion, will be presented the data, methodology and application of the information from the tools and systems used to monitor the vegetation cover of the Brazilian Cerrado developed by the Cerrado Monitoring project.

Aimed at students, researchers, journalists and other people interested in the topic, the virtual workshop will have lecture sessions in the morning and training sessions in the afternoon.

Applications through the link:

Don’t miss it!

1304, 2021

Broadcast: “Discover how to use Cerrado Monitoring tools and data”

Professor Birtaldo Soares Filho, CSR coordinator, participated in the live broadcast “Discover how to use tools and data from Cerrado Monitoring” of the FIP – Cerrado Monitoring project in partnership with Mundo GEO.

The broadcast happened at 11 am on April 13th, 2021 and was also attended by the coordinator of the Amazon and other biomes Monitoring Program from INPE, Cláudio Almeida, and the technical coordinator of FIP – Cerrado Monitoring Project and INPE researcher, Jean Ometto.

Clicking here you can access the material presented in the live stream and you can watch the recording of the event below:

3103, 2021

CSR presents its fire model for the Cerrado biome to the Military Firefighters Corps of Minas Gerais

On March 9th and 31st, 2021, CSR conducted two presentations on “Modeling the dynamics of fuel loads and the probability of fire spread in the Brazilian Cerrado” to the Military Firefighters Corps of Minas Gerais.

Imparted by rDr. Ubirajara Oliveira, the lectures took place on the Web, bringing together more than 100 firefighters from the State. The talk introduced the Fire Spread Model for the Brazilian Cerrado – developed under the project FIP – Cerrado Monitoring – ,its features and potentialities, as well as how the computer tool was developed.

Colonel Sérgio José Ferreira, commander of the 1st Military Firefighters Operational Command, thanked our researchers for the event and stressed the importance of prior knowledge of fire behavior “for the safety and effectiveness of firefighting operations”.

See the pictures:

1401, 2021

CSR researchers publish article on the risk of fire spreading to the Brazilian Cerrado

Researchers from the Centre for Remote Sensing (CSR) linked to the project FIP ​​- Cerrado Monitoring published an article in partnership with researchers from the University of Brasília on the risk of fire propagation in the Cerrado.

Based on the historical relationship between fires occurrences and estimates on fuel loads, the model developed by the group generates monthly probability maps to support fire management activities in the biome.

The research also showed that more frequent fires may be causing a decline in the biome’s fuel loads, which average recovery period would be 2,43 years.

“This decline in the fuel loads associated with the increasing recurrence of fires in the Cerrado, degrades native vegetation. Over time, this leads to loss of species and ecosystem services in the Cerrado ”, says researcher Ubirajara Oliveira, first author of the article.

The study will be in volume 482 of the Forest Ecology and Management journal, to be released on February 15th. The version accepted for publication can already be accessed through the link below:

312, 2020

CSR promotes the II Training on the Online Fire Spreading Model for the Brazilian Cerrado

On December 2, 2020, at 2PM, the Centre for Remote Sensing (CSR) promoted the II Training on the Online Fire Spreading Model for the Brazilian Cerrado.

The course on the model developed under the project FIP – Cerrado Monitoring was live broadcasted by Ubirajara Oliveira on YouTube for a simultaneous public of over 150 people.

The recording is on the CSR YouTube channel available at the link below:

2511, 2020

Article linked to the project FIP – Cerrado Monitoring is published in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

On Tuesday, November 24, 2020, an article on how Brazilian Savannas vegetation responds to frequent fires was published in the journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. The study is Entitled “Responses of Plant Biomass in the Brazilian Savannah to Frequent Fires” and is signed by researchers from the Ecology department at UnB and UFMG’s Centre for Remote Sensing (CSR) linked to the project FIP – Cerrado Monitoring.

The research was carried out using the systems dynamics that combines qualitative and quantitative analysis. The study was developed to support decision making in relation to the frequency of prescribed fires in the Cerrado.

Simulating the relationship between fire frequency, plant biomass and emissions associated with fire, the research has shown that, although it has vegetation resilient to fire, the occurrence of fires in intervals of less than four years in the Brazilian Savannah can increase the risk of extinction of woody plants and decrease the carbon storage of the ecosystem.

The study can be fully accessed in the journal’s website.

Media repercussion

Read the report by O Livre.
Read the report by A Tarde.
Read the report by PNB.
Read the report by Pará Terra Boa.
Read the report by Piauí Hoje.
see all