News on the project

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611, 2019

Training course on the Fire Spreading Model: Mundo Geo

On December 5, as a result of the project FIP – Cerrado Monitoring ,the training course for the use of the Fire Spreading Model was carried out during an event promoted by Mundo Geo. The course was presented by researcher Ubirajara Oliveira for an audience of 42 people.


2208, 2019

Researcher presents results of the fire simulation model

Researcher Dr. Ubirajara Oliveira presented the results of the fire simulation model at the I Workshop “Ignite: subsidies for fire management in Cerrado” that took place at the School of Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais on August 22, 2019.

See the presentation:

1408, 2019

Presentation of preliminary results of the project in Chapada dos Veadeiros

Researchers from the Centre for Remote Sensing (CSR) held, in August 2019, a meeting in the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park to present preliminary results of the project FIP – Cerrado Monitoring.


1308, 2019

CSR participates on fire management activities in Serra do Cipó

Newsletter from APA Morro da Pedreira and the National Park of Serra do Cipó shows the participation of Centre for Remote Sensing (CSR) team in the Park’s fire management activities in April 2019.


1005, 2019

Researchers participate in event in Potsdam, Germany

The researchers Dr. Ubirajara Oliveira and Prof. Dr. Britaldo Soares Filho were invited to present the results of the fire simulation model at a workshop held in the city of Potsdam, Germany. The event aimed to discuss possible interactions and collaborations in fire modeling between the development of the FISC-Cerrado model (Fire, Ignition, Spread and Carbon Balance) and the model developed by Dr. Kirsten Thonicke and Markus Drüke, researchers from Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, SPITFIRE (Spread and Intensity of Fire).

See the photos:

2802, 2019

ICMBio Cipó-Pedreira participates in the I Fire Risk and Fire Spreading Workshop

Newsletter from APA Morro da Pedreira and the Serra do Cipó National Park reports participation in the 1st Fire Risk and Fire Spreading Workshop that took place at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in February 2019.



Media repercussion

Read the report by O Livre.
Read the report by A Tarde.
Read the report by PNB.
Read the report by Pará Terra Boa.
Read the report by Piauí Hoje.
see all